JoJerome wrote:
ouinon wrote:
Check out food intolerance/allergy.
Hmmm, I've been kind of wondering that although no obvious pattern of I-eat-X-and-get-a-migraine emerges. So far they are more stress triggered than anything else.
If you think your migraines are stress triggered, try to notice how you've been holding your body in times of stress.
You might be assuming specific physical postures that influence the way you breathe and thus predispose you for pain.
I've noticed that air quality and light quality can set me off.
If someone sits down next to me who is wearing makeup, perfume, or has recently had a cigarette I start to get the visual patterns of a migraine.
If I'm really engaged in a project I might fail to notice what is going on until most of my vision is trashed/ I'm blinded with the flashing visual migraine pattern and nausea is kicking it.
I've found that if I can quickly get outside for fresh air and natural light though, I can stop the adventure before it cascades into extreme physical head ache pain.