Well, bassically what I did to practically just improve it which normally works if you do this right though.
I kept taking an orange every 2/3 hours since it has lots of vitamins and is most effective compared to other fruits, tons of hot drinks for that 2 hours, orange juice or water and you would just need lots of it during the day, probably every hour or whatever.
(This includes hot diluted drinks).
Before you sleep, care to have a good hot/warm bath, showers doesn't give the same effect.
Have plenty of sleep and keep warm and a very good long sleep for the night.
Keep repeating it until the cold has gone, it has literally reduced mine by 60% in like one day.
Hopefully this information should help.
The funny thing was, I never taken any meds for it.
I had a really bad cold yesterday and today, I feel I can actually stand on my own two feet, not 100% but I do feel a heck of alot better and some members suggested that I should just share what I did to get rid of it.
Please note, this solution MAY not work for everyone.
BACK in London…. For now.
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