ruennsheng wrote:
Oh I see. Georgia Tech is the best public college in the whole state of Georgia. Its average ACT (and SAT) scores are so high! Not bad. And it's cool that you'd overcome Asperger's/autism to be there. I hope you can really work hard there, work through all the stress in the social and academic fields, graduate and then do the world good. (You really look and feel like a future leader from your posts,

I was also on track to Michigan (or other similar quality colleges) but I later flopped in school suddenly, due to the onset of depression (coupled with my autism, this is simply deadly, and I am obviously unhappy that I cannot support them as a student, but it's still fun to watch the Wolverines --- go Blue!).
Nevertheless, it's nice to see a fan of the ACC champions here. Good luck in Orange Bowl (if I am not wrong).

Glad to see I make a good impression. GT is indeed the top public university in Georgia; it's also the seventh best public university in the nation! I see Michigan is number four; very impressive.
I didn't even know I had Asperger's until halfway through my freshman year (around a year ago). My first semester was extremely rough and we had no idea why, but it ended up being for the better and this semester I actually have a very good chance at all A's.
It is the Orange Bowl we're playing in, against Iowa. I definitely think we should win. Their defense is solid, but their rush defense is only 32nd in the nation. UNC has the 9th-ranked run defense, and we destroyed them (in fact, if you take the GT game out of the equation, UNC has the 2nd-ranked run defense, behind only Texas). Their offense is weak, too, and they turn the ball over a lot. Tech has the kind of offense that can take advantage of every turnover, so I think we should handle Iowa pretty easily.
I hope the Wolverines get back on their feet soon; until then, remember that Michigan is the winningest program of all time, and that you own Ohio State by 15 games in the series.
I'm never gonna dance again, Aspie feet have got no rhythm.