For some time, I have had flem so thick going down, that it sometimes blocks my air passage. I usualy spit it out, and sometimes it's fluffy white looking. Lately, I have been spitting out the occasional tiny green ball. Usualy after I cough. I just pulled out another from my mouth. They are firm. It feels like chunkes of food, but they aren't that. The other night I spat out two of these seed sized things. It was a light plastic green with tiny yellow spots on the bigger one. Later, they softened into dark green balls after being in the trash can sometime.
Today, this one was pasty like, still tiny and seed sized. It had varying colors of green. I squished it, it felt like floud in water. I think this might be comming from my lungs. I don't feel wierd, aside from my body's usual tolerance of alergy meds. I felt sickly yesturday though, to a mild degree.