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26 Nov 2009, 9:33 am

A slight history first. Some time around last year I had a mild chest pain. This was around the time I was a member to a jym, which my new unemployement put to a stop, as expected. I sipped some alcahol moderatly, and about two days later I was in the kitchen of my apartment when I felt this soft, steady, and slow 'squish' inside my left chest area. This isn't far from where my heart is. After that, it stopped hurting for sometime, till recently, when I went back to the tred mill one time and walked for two miles.

The morning after I did the walk, I woke up with a really good pain in the base of my chest area, on the left side, and just under the ribs. Not in the middle. I took light breaths till the pain went away. Once again, alcahol seems to lighten this minor 'ouch' feeling. I don't have to be numb or drunk for it to do this, just take reasonable sips of it, and it seems to have gotten better. Well, I started to sleep on the other side of my body, and the pain has shifted to my right back side. It feels like a muscle sprain, but this morning I had my mother dig in, and no muscles popped or felt like they were the spot. It felt deeper.

This is really strange, because I went to sleep, sure the pain was stopped. My mother told me "Oh it's not possible for a clott to move from one side to the other." :roll: Why is it not possible? I'm not fakeing, but at least it hurts alot less, now. I do happen to be a game addict, so a clot or the like would be quite possible or plausable. I don't know what I should get x-raied. My bones, my lungs, my veins... My blood, period? I wander if coffie doesn't have something to do with it.


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26 Nov 2009, 10:02 am

I sometimes have pains that seem to move around a bit and that also vary in intensity, and I believe they come from some overall stress and being too sedentary. A good doctor might be able to pinpoint one or more of them for you, but I would try getting back to some regular exercise. I had a heart attack 10 years ago, and I felt great for the next few years while regularly getting on my stationary bike and doing some pedaling ... and I am sure that is a large part of what could make a significant difference once again.

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26 Nov 2009, 12:45 pm

If you're a game addict, the pain may be related to the way that you sit at your computer, especially if your posture is bad.

Did the shift in pain coincide with a change in the side you lean on when playing games?


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26 Nov 2009, 4:07 pm

Yes, any of those would make sence.

Fear of failure. Recently, it's been causeing me to feel plenty of stress, sleeping trouble, and heavy self-loathing. Being employed would actualy not help if I am working to serve the public with my speech issues.

Ok I wander now if I'm more stressed than I think. Yes, this place has a jym. I can't stand it when people see me in there. I'm going to have to go in there when they are sleeping. The equipment isn't very good either.

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26 Nov 2009, 4:21 pm

I've had shifting chest pains sounding like that on and off for decades. Early on I got checked out heart-wise and all was fine. In my case it is definitely stress / anxiety / depression. Thankfully they're pretty rare for me nowadays.


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26 Nov 2009, 5:17 pm

Are you eating a lot of trans fat? Make sure you keep your saturated fat intake within sight of the recommended daily allowance and avoid any trans fat whenever possible. I have a pinpoint of pain on the right side of my chest if I eat anything with trans fat in it. If I exercise, keep my saturated fat intake within sight of the recommended daily allowance of no more than 20 grams per day and avoid all trans fat, I have no symptoms.

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30 Nov 2009, 4:12 am

Definitely get any chest pains checked by a doctor, it may be something
minor like a pinched nerve in your spine, or it could be a heart issue.
You could have walking pneumonia, which may cause similar pain


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03 Dec 2009, 4:48 pm

Am I the only one here under 30 (in fact under 20) who has experienced chest pains before? I don't think mine was anything serious, they just come and go.

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03 Dec 2009, 5:51 pm

jc6chan wrote:
Am I the only one here under 30 (in fact under 20) who has experienced chest pains before? I don't think mine was anything serious, they just come and go.

I experienced them in my teens and twenties as well.


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06 Dec 2009, 5:15 pm

i got them really bad for a short while. i think it was just anxiety or stress. now that i know that i can help counteract them better. I did have this disgusting brown squidgy bruise just over my heart but i think that was from carrying all my furniture up 4 flights of stairs. I did freak out for a few days though.

I would say you should get it checked out. Good luck