Hi folks
I am about to embark on the biggest challenge in my life. To lose weight and get fitter. I am someone who's never been fit in his entire life, I've always eaten the wrong foods. I have never looked after my health as well as I should.
I'd like to use this thread to document all the changes that are taking place in my life, it's just something that I would like to do as a way of showing achievements I guess.
I was introduced to a variety of machines on my first visit to the gym. First there was the treadmill, then a bicycle type machine where you sitdown and just pedal. Then a rowing machine where you move back and forwards on a seat while pulling the rope.
Then there were a few things I was shown upstairs, I had a good 45 minutes of working out this afternoon.
The biggest thing to come out of it this arvo is my heart rate is too high, currently its about 145, they want it down around the 110 mark. A big change of diet is in order, I will eat more yoghurt, fruit, meat and vegetables. A big change from the chips and buscuits and all the wrong things I was eating.
I currently weigh 94.5 kg.
I will use this thread to document all changes made to weight, heart rate and other progress.