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06 Dec 2009, 5:02 pm

hey, I'm big into kitesurfing. If i had a car i would go everyday i could. It is the most exhilarating thing i have ever done. (minus one thing)

Are there any fellow kitesurfers on here?

if you have never seen it here are two of the worlds best kitesurfers. two completely different styles but both brilliant. ... r_embedded


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08 Dec 2009, 2:11 am

I am using dial up so I can't view the video. I figure kite surfing is what we in the US call wind surfing? That is a surfboard with a sail on it. Or is it being towed by a boat while being hooked up to a hang glider and water skis? I never did either, but I used to go hang gliding (foot launched) and sport parachuting years ago.

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08 Dec 2009, 1:59 pm

no it is not pole dancing. far more exhilerating. you use a big kite to pull you on a wake style board.


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09 Dec 2009, 3:32 am

:lol: -"pole dancing" I love it. It sounds like the 2 sports have a bit of a rivalry.

After I last posted, I did check out the YouTube video on a different computer. That looks like it would be a blast! Thanks for posting the link.

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09 Dec 2009, 9:59 am

yep there is a bit of rivalry, mostly just a bit of a laugh. Windsurfing does seem fun but not as fun and way more difficult to do any tricks. I don't really think there are many advantages too windsurfing.


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10 Dec 2009, 5:01 am

The advent of foot launched ram air parachutes (that look a little like the kite in the video) was after my time of hang gliding. I am guessing there is a similar rivalry between hang glider pilots and those who use foot launched parachutes. I am not even sure of the terminology for that sport.

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10 Dec 2009, 6:12 am

what little i know about the two is that hang gliders are more difficult but can provide better lift, there is danger of stalling too? I would absolutely love to try paragliding. one of my kitesurfing friends does it and says he would teach me. first i need a car and a wing!


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13 Dec 2009, 2:53 am

conan wrote:
what little i know about the two is that hang gliders are more difficult but can provide better lift, there is danger of stalling too? I would absolutely love to try paragliding. one of my kitesurfing friends does it and says he would teach me. first i need a car and a wing!

Before you take lessons from your friend, I would suggest doing as much research on the web as possible. Check YouTube for example. There might be lessons there. I say this because I was pretty good at hang gliding (within my limitations) so I tried to teach my brother. After my lesson, and demonstrating my technique, he tried a takeoff at a small sand dune. I had neglected to mention that the straps connecting the swing seat and the glider must be taut to give leverage to tilt the nose of the glider up at the proper time. Fortunately, he wasn't hurt, other than a small bump to the face where the control bar hit him. The point is that being good at something is not the same as being good at teaching it.

Re stalling- Yes that is possible. I did with my old standard Rogallo once, but I just floated down like a parachute. The old Rogallos weren't fail-safe, but they were pretty forgiving. The new gliders are shaped less like a parachute. The new hang glider pilots wear an emergency parachute in case of a stall or other problem. A chute does not mean absolute safety, of course. A certain amount of altitude is needed to use them, for example.

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13 Dec 2009, 5:56 pm

thanks for the info and you are so right about the teaching thing. I get the impression that alot of the concepts and understanding of meteorology from kiting will cross over. I've also done some big ass jumps on hills with kites so in some ways it is similar. Thanks for the info. I'm still surprised no one else does kitesurfing! :o


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16 Dec 2009, 2:36 am

You're very welcome. I have done some kite flying, but only with very cheap kites. Nothing as high tech as the ram air model I saw in the video. How large are these kites?

If you're surprised about a lack of participation in kite surfing, think how surprised I felt when I posted a question about anyone who has ever enjoyed any type of disc sports (Frisbee.) One person responded, but he said the closest he came to it was throwing 78 rpm records at a wall to break them! I would have thought Frisbee would have been more popular. It could be that this forum is not as well populated as some of the others on WP.

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16 Dec 2009, 3:22 pm

generally kitesurfers will use kites that have pressurised leading edge that you have to pump up. They are better performing in part due to their rigidity. Ram air kites are good for land and flying without a board or in a buggy. some people prefer ram air but the general consensus is they are not as good. (they do win in very light winds but that is not really that fun)

Kitesurfers will usually have two or more kites ranging from 5-20 square metres but you really only need 7-12M depending on your weight. The development has slowed a bit in the past two years but each year is still markedly better than the previous. I use a 2006 10M squared kite as my only kite for now. It is still good but lacks in it's depower range and is a bit slow compared to modern kites.

I personally don't really like frisbees as i associated them with light wind days at the beach with nothing to do. This is why i need to paraglide, it complements kitesurfing really well as a sport.

Thanks for your reply.