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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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Joined: 21 May 2010
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 176
Location: United States

23 Oct 2013, 3:21 pm

Every so often (as much as I've tried to notice a pattern, I can't, except maybe after I've been sitting for a bit), my lower leg will get a really dull ache. It's not severe or debilitating or anything. It's just kind of obnoxious and makes me want to walk around to make it stop (though walking doesn't really help; it usually just goes away on its own terms). Sometimes I notice the ache in my arch or lower abdomen. It's a really dull ache that makes me feel nauseous (but then a lot of aches make me feel nauseous - my stomach gets upset kind of easily). I'm thinking that the ache probably actually exists in only one spot, and the others are just acting as satellite trigger points, but I'm not sure what is causing it. I'm pretty young (early, mid 20s). I'm relatively sedentary, though after I get my grad school apps out I want to take a dance class. However, I do live in an urban area, so I get a decent amount of walking in whenever I need to run errands or just get a case of wanderlust. Also, it's only ever in one leg or the other. Never both. Usually the left one. Any suggestions?

EDIT: Just tried to check for muscle weakness by standing on one foot. Not much noticeable difference. To the extent there was a tiny wobble in my left foot (The aching one) I think it might just be because I'm right-handed. Not severe enough for me to consider muscle weakness as a symptom.