MaybeMars wrote:
My problem is that between my Asperger need to know exactly what to do, and deeply seated fear of embarassment left over from very bad school experiences, I can't even get in the door to see what the place looks like.
I had exactly the same problem when I wanted to start going to the gym two years ago. I was an overweight middle age man who had been put down all his life. I had all these fears of big muscle guys laughing at me and making me feel out of place. To my surprise, this never happened. All the people at the gym were really friendly to me - even the females, surprisingly enough. Because I was having these positive experiences, I kept going. Now two years later I am a fit, trim and solidly build middle age man. Most people who meet me now do not believe I am 43yo. I actually like what I see in a mirror nowadays. Best of all, basically no one gives me s**t anymore. On the odd occasion when some dick on the street decides to get aggressive with me, I have the confidence to stand up for myself. They ALWAYS back down.
Not that I am the size of Arnie - far from it. But I am in a lot better shape than I was two years ago. People have a tendancy to respect you if you look like you can handle yourself.
Whether you go at night to a 24 hour gym or you decide to get a trainer, I advise you to just go and do it. You will be surprised at the amount of respect people at gyms have for others who genuinely want to improve themselves. Best of all, there is no limit to the respect you will have for yourself once you start to see improvements in yourself.
I am highly in tune with my perceptions. It's reality that I haven't got a clue about.