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07 Feb 2010, 7:45 am

Today will be my last day, drinking energy drinks. I've heard from many people who care about me, that they cause heart attacks, and they rev up the metabolism to unimaginable heights. I've found out what would drive me absolutely bonkers. That would be to have the Internet taken away from me. The Kinks and the 60s without the Internet, is like the Olympics without television. If I slip and buy myself an energy drink, I'll have to force myself to stay off the Internet, for the rest of the day. This would be a reasonable punishment for me, because the Internet is my connection to the modern world, and without it, I'm helplessly stuck in 1965. This goes in effect, tomorrow, on Monday, February 8th, 2010. This will also make me think twice about 6 hour sleeps on work nights, as well. If you agree with me, on this issue of mine, I'd like you to post a comment. Thank you and God bless. 8)

The Family Enigma


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07 Feb 2010, 7:53 am

I have an addictive nature but I've read a few things that are encouraging. One is that the urge will pass whether you give in to the addiction or not. The other is every time you resist the urge, you're that much stronger the next time. Good luck. :)

Detach ed

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Feb 2010, 8:42 am

for some reason energy drinks have no effect on me but my friend is crazy about them and my sister swears by it when its late night study time but they do effect your health if used in excess good for you for doing something about it :D

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Feb 2010, 11:18 am

Yes, I also heard that energy drinks can do that. They have really high sugar contents which can cause crashes as well. just about 2 months ago I had a NOS energy drink and it made me crash. I thought about just ditching energy drinks altogether and just stick with trusty coffee, so I did.


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07 Feb 2010, 1:05 pm

i'm a big rockstar fan. if i have more than one in a day i get a little shakey. i think it's ridiculous that they're advertised as "energy drinks" when they're really just big cans of mood elevator/sleep inhibitor. they're packed with sugar and caffeine so you really shouldn't drink them if you plan to be physically active afterward and you definitely shouldn't use them as a method of hydration. i mostly replace my morning rockstar with morning coffee nowadays, but i don't see too much of a difference between having a rockstar to start my day and people who start their day with a huge coffee and then keep drinking coffee, iced tea, or soda all day except that since i pretty much stick to water for the rest of the day, i don't take in as much caffeine or sugar.


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07 Feb 2010, 1:50 pm

I just want to wish you good luck in this and say good for you for doing something good for yourself.

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