Should I take steroids for my P.E. class?

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26 Sep 2009, 2:57 pm

I've got to say, physical education could be my worst subject in high school. Virtually everybody is telling me the "your best is all that counts" junk I've been told a million times before. You know what? I'm prepared to take some serious juice to pass this class and I don't give a damn about what happens next, because there can be only one winner. Those that fail in P.E. fail at life. It's that simple.


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26 Sep 2009, 3:33 pm

That's a bad idea. P.E. is supposed to be graded on your participation. If you participate some there isn't a reason you should fail. If you really can't pass the class bring it up in an I.E.P meeting and they might be able to get you out of it or do something else. Especially if it's causing sensory overload or something.


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26 Sep 2009, 3:45 pm

Giftorcurse wrote:
I've got to say, physical education could be my worst subject in high school. Virtually everybody is telling me the "your best is all that counts" junk I've been told a million times before. You know what? I'm prepared to take some serious juice to pass this class and I don't give a damn about what happens next, because there can be only one winner. Those that fail in P.E. fail at life. It's that simple.

Life is just that simple when you are fifteen. Unfortunately, we grow older even if we don't grow up and life is long. Why men would trade body muscles at the loss of their parts that produce the testosterone that makes them a man just mystifies me.
if you neglect your body now and even worse if you abuse it. I wish I had not made the unsafe choice in my youth. Take it for what it's worth.

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26 Sep 2009, 3:50 pm

Want to shrink your penis? Take steroids. The health effects are terrible. It's not hard to pass gym lol


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26 Sep 2009, 3:58 pm

protest_the_hero wrote:
It's not hard to pass gym



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26 Sep 2009, 4:06 pm

I never got high grades in gym but take steroids to pass? :?


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26 Sep 2009, 4:11 pm

CloudWalker wrote:
I never got high grades in gym but take steroids to pass? :?

he's not taking steroids to PASS, he is taking steroids because he thinks he won't be bullied if he bulks up.

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26 Sep 2009, 4:28 pm

Steroids are a seriously bad idea, you have no idea of what damage you can do to yourself. They can quite literally turn a 250 lbs athlete at 8% body fat into a 98 pound weakling! If you were a pro athlete and it meant getting a 15 million dollars contract I'd advise you not to but understand the temptation but a high school freshman trying to get through PE I say are you fracking insane.


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26 Sep 2009, 5:56 pm

Steroids are bad for you, but it's not about that so I'll spare you the symptoms list.

Why is failing PE the end of the world to you...

Is it about what the dudes or chicks think?
Your own judgement?
If it's your own judgement, do you weigh your entire self-worth on your PE marks, fitness, or both?
Do athletes just seem to have it much better in life than the nerds in general?
Do you wanna avoid getting beat up?


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26 Sep 2009, 6:25 pm

Basically all of those. I want to be seen as a god among students; an intellectual and physical prodigy free from weakness or morality.


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26 Sep 2009, 6:26 pm

I started high school in a state that only required two years of PE and I was sooo happy to get it out of the way, I hated it more than math. Wouldn't ya know, that summer we moved to another state that required it all four years. Damn!

Still in all, the nightmare did end, with graduation - 32 years ago - and yours will end as well. I know how horrible it seems at the moment, but you'll get through it, and once you do, you won't ever have to see the inside of a gym or locker room again for the rest of your life if you don't want to.

Believe it or not, years after getting away from that environment, I discovered that I actually enjoy working out and weight training - in the privacy of my own home. I know it may sound insane to you right now, but if you're interested in bulking up and hate PE, get a weight bench and do bench presses and curls in your garage.

You don't need steroids to grow muscles - you already HAVE muscles, they get bigger the more you USE them. You only need steroids to grow freakishly enormous mutant muscles, poison your body and damage your heart PERMANENTLY. You can get plenty big and look good without that crap. You can bulk up without turning your body into a cartoon.


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26 Sep 2009, 6:30 pm

Do I look like I give a f____?


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26 Sep 2009, 7:07 pm

Giftorcurse wrote:
Basically all of those. I want to be seen as a god among students; an intellectual and physical prodigy free from weakness or morality.

You should lay off the Nietzsche for a while. It's at odds with living in reality.

High school, mercifully, ends. And afterwards no one cares about high school PE (referencing high school PE as an adult, to score 'points,' is seen as very pathetic). I have found the adult world to have as many (if not more) difficulties, but the increase in rights & options more than compensates.

As far being a tough guy, do what you have to, but being the toughest guy is a race to the bottom. Ultimately you're competing with whoever is willing to do whatever is more stupid that what anyone else is willing to do. (like steroids, or in some places killing in order to prove 'manhood')

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26 Sep 2009, 7:20 pm

There was a story on Rotten about a guy who took steroids, and he didn't look good, or get good performance results. He got all the downside, but none of the upside. Have you seen pics of Schwarzenegger without his shirt? Now that the superhero has atrophied, he looks terrible and not just because he's old.

A better way to get strong is to lift weights and run. I also recommend using an elliptical machine that also works the arms. I just burned more than 700 calories in an hour on one of those today. After years of this, you'll look great and you'll be more powerful than you could ever be on steroids. Where are you proposing to get the steroids, anyway?

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26 Sep 2009, 7:56 pm

Giftorcurse wrote:
Do I look like I give a f____?

You ASKED if you should take steroids, and people are answering.

So no, don't take steroids.


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26 Sep 2009, 8:12 pm

I won't lecture or spit out useless platitudes about how drugs are bad. What I will point out is this: Steroids may give you a power boost, but a power boost doesn't do a whole lot of good unless you've got control over that power. As much as high school PE sucks, there are safer(and more rewarding) ways to get through it. So there's my two cents, but money's only paper. You decide how much it's worth.