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17 Feb 2010, 10:48 am

Rheumatoid arthritis to be a little more exact. :(
I went to the hospital this morning to follow up having an MRI scan and the doctor asked me had I been tested for arthritus before and then I thought oh no. So yeah I just got diagnosed with it. Apparently it's in the joints behind my pelvic bones. I can't remember the names...
The thing that annoys me about this is that I've had pain in around my back and hip area since I was around 14. Basically I got a round of physiotherapy which helped but didn't solve the problem. Anyways when I was 14-15 I used to get painful spasms in my back and even had to go to hospital in an emergency when I woke up in an enormous amount of pain. After the physio as I got a bit older (I'm 17 now) the pain changed in that I was constantly stiff and uncomfortable but I didn't get the shooting pains. So my mum went with me to the GP a couple of times and once to a hospital doctor who basically said it was because I was growing and I was slim, take ibuprofen or whatever when it was sore. So in other words "live with it". Well screw you quite frankly doc cause I'm only young and I'm not just gonna live with it! So me and my mum went back and saw another GP (this is a few months ago) who referred me to a back assessment place at a hospital. The doctor there then sent me for an MRI and hey presto I have rheumatoid arthritis! :roll:
I mean come on!
Sorry but I had to rant. I'm kinda sad that I have a life-long condition but at least it's manageable through exercise and drugs and I now know what's wrong with me.
I now have 3 damn A's! Asperger's, Asthma and now Arthritus! :lol:
Anyone else have arthritus or similar stories of useless doctors? :D

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17 Feb 2010, 1:07 pm

gemstone123 wrote:
useless doctors

Sounds like you finally found a good one though.

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17 Feb 2010, 4:49 pm

oh man i have had so much s**t from doctors. I have had ones that are not good and others that are good but are working within the constraints they are given so have little time to actually have a proper look at me. The last two ones i went to were good but had little time.

I badly damaged the ligaments/muscles in my knee and i went to the hospital. they told me to take pain killers and it would be better in 3 weeks. 3 months later and it was not much better. I went to the GP and they told me most of my problems were because i had not done physio to regain strength in that leg. perhaps they would have if i knew!!

another time i went to the hospital because of a persistant sore throat. they told me i had strep throat. It turned out i had glandular fever and mild hepatitis as a result! it took me almost a year to recover from!

The worst thing i did was mention that i smoke cannabis (very rarely now) Everything i said was thrown out the window.
I wanted to get a repeat prescription for nicotine patches : not allowed
I had an anal fissure/haemorhoids that i mentioned : they said nothing
i had and have really bad anxiety : no help
i think i'm autistic : let's wait a few weeks and then we will see about referring you to a psychiatrist

It did take a while to finally get diagnosed but i think in many cases it is the crapness of the NHS and not the fault of the doc's (some were thick as mince though) with the NHS unless you are persistant you will not get things sorted, also they seem to have never heard of preventative medicine. rant over.

I hope everything goes well for you, it is a real shame that this happened so young. Good luck


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17 Feb 2010, 5:25 pm

Thanks conan. :)

Tufted Titmouse
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17 Feb 2010, 7:22 pm

That sucks, arthritis is the worst thing ever! having to deal with all those pains... I have sharp pains on my right leg to the point where it's hard to walk sometimes... I've been to the doctor many times and they can't seem find out why (because doctors are useless right? lol.) Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with arthritis :/ I hope it isn't too bad.



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18 Feb 2010, 10:31 am

My husband has had rheumatoid arthritis since he was about 10 yrs old. He was bed bound and nearly paralyzed with it at that age. He did go on to be a semi-professional ballet dancer for a while, so I suppose anythings possible.
I agree about doctors not seeing things. Right now I just walk in, tell them what I think is wrong with me, and then have them confirm or deny. At the very least if I am wrong they take me seriously and will refer me to a specialist.
Hope your health improves


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18 Feb 2010, 11:09 am

I have arthritus too, it really sucks and the pain gets me down a lot. I cant paint any more or do knitting which I used to like and I cant write for long. I have to sleep on my back now and it wakes me a lot in the night. Long term pain is the crappiest thing :(


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18 Feb 2010, 1:15 pm

Yeah well thankfully at the moment I don't have it too bad but it can get you down after a while. Walking can be a bit frustrating at times as the pain goes around my hips making it very unpleasant to walk. Then again that comes and goes and I'm glad it isn't as bad as some people get.

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