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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Jan 2010, 4:01 pm

I am a 20 year old who is slightly heavier that I am supposed to be. I honestly don't mind that much. It is not like I am obese or anything, just a little extra belly fat. But my parents, esp. my mom, act like my being heavy is awful. She always comments about how i need new clothes, that i shouldn't eat that because it has too many calories, and that i should "suck in my gut". I just wish that she would leave me alone. I think that if i got less pressure from her about this, I would honestly eat less. Does anyone else feel this way? Or have any advice about how to deal with this situation?

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23 Jan 2010, 5:10 pm

Calculate your BMI. If you are in the healthy range I would not worry about it too much.

You could tell them to stop criticizing you and instead you can make low-calorie or healthy snacks together. Or take a walk together. That is if they are open to that.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Jan 2010, 6:36 pm

One can actually be quite a bit bigger than what would be considered ideal and not have any health problems whatsoever from it. As long as you feel comfortable with the weight you're at you shouldn't worry about if you actually need to lose weight or not.

And as far as sucking your gut in? That'd be about appearance and there's plenty of people who thinks heavier people are beautiful. Just look around you the next time you're in town or something. I can all but promise that you'll see people bigger than you walking in couples and friends sure won't care what size you are or shouldn't anyway.

I do know about eating as a way to deal with stress (or negative emotions) and if that part bothers you I'm sure there are methods to change the habit. It's not something that I can advise you on how to do though.... Personally I figure there are worse things I could do when feeling bad than eat as it genuinely does make me feel better, at least while doing it.

Hope someone else here will be able to tell you what you should do so your mom will stop criticizing you. (I'm not so good at the whole communication thing.)


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25 Jan 2010, 4:06 am

maybe try reminding your mother that her criticism is not helpful. and that it is just making you feel bad.


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26 Jan 2010, 12:00 am

Some people try to help and in doing so make the problem worse. As had already been suggested check your BMI, plus honestly appraise what your consume, maybe even get a professional check up, if everything is ok and you have no issues being a little 'chubby' don't worry about it.

I can imagine that your mums approach is more likely to see you stuffing your face with cake in front of her :lol:

I would either tell her to back off, or the better approach would be to have the check up, if they are ok show her the results, and if they show up areas of concern make changes for your own sake

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07 Feb 2010, 12:05 pm

Mothers can be conceited, can't they. I'm on Weight Watchers right now, and my goal weight is 200 lbs for the time being. I'm at 255. If my mum doesn't like the goal that I've picked out for myself, she can just shut-up and put-up. My body, my goal.

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07 Feb 2010, 6:04 pm

I wouldn't know. I've been underweight until recently.

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