criss wrote:
I find It really interestin though, that as Donna Williams pointed out, it is most common that Autie are more right brained dom, whilst mostAspies are left brained dom.
I am skeptical as to the accuracy of your conclusion. Donna Williams provides no evidence to back up her very tentative suggestion, and doesn't even make an argument in its favor. Are you basing your opinion on something more than Williams' suspicion?
It is interesting that I, as a seriously left-brained person, share your inability to relate much to most aspies. I, too, have wondered if it is because I am more autie than aspie, which is the actual case as per my childhood presentation. To me, most of the discussion on WP is overwhelmingly right-brain inspired. Am I correct in thinking that it seems left-brain dominated to you? Perhaps it is in the middle, and as people on the extremes neither of us relate well? I would note that on WP there very many artistic people, and quite a few who can't do what I would consider elementary math. And as was mentioned above, there are relatively more left-handed people here, which is an indicator of the right-brained.
I would be very interested, in particular, in knowing your reason for believing auties are more right-brained. There are only a couple of WP members who I am confident are extremely left-brained. One is quite autistic, having been diagnosed as a toddler and then spending his/her youth in institutions.
Btw, honing in on punctuation when perusing a text is not a significant indication of being left-brained, in my opinion. It is more an indication of OCD, or a general inability to come up with a more relevant comment. What would be particularly galling the very left-brained would be any logical inconsistencies in the text - punctuation is not the type of detail that is important to us.