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12 Feb 2010, 9:50 am

I have been suffering from near constant headache for nearly 2 months now. The headache gets so bad I can't get out of bed at times. It gets so bad I physically can't stand up off the floor. My regualr doctor doesn't know what's up. My allergist says it can't be my allergies. The audiologist says its not my ears. The otolgosit (don't know how to spell it) says its not my sinuses. I am scheduled for an MRI on monday.
I am allergic to, in order of severity, dust mites, mold, grass, trees, cats, mice, and ragweed. I am currently getting allergy shots for everything except the cats and mice.
I don't eat gluten, as my daughter is gluten intolerant and I have found that when I don't eat gluten my skin doesn't break out.
I find that when the headache comes on I also get angry and lash out (scream) at anyone around. Including my children. They don't deserve this!! ! I really really really don't want to yell at my kids!! !! :cry:
Could it be the allergies? I have not been up to cleaning the house since the headaches started coming on, thus there is more dust/mold in the house than there should be. Is it catch 22 - the sicker I get the messier the house the messier the house the sicker I get?
Could it be "cluster" migraines? That appears to be what the otologist thinks.
Could it be gluten from my chapstick or lotion? (far out, but I'm willing to try anything at this point).
Is it possible to have meningits without a fever and over a long time?
PLEASE let me know it you have any ideas.


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12 Feb 2010, 2:14 pm

I would go with themigraines. I used to get them all the time. then my doctor put me on Amytriptiline. They have reduced massively.


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13 Feb 2010, 2:51 am

You may never know what it is from, exactly. I am a chronic migraine sufferer. Part of it genetic, people on both sides of my family had/have them. You need a neurologist, nobody else. They need an MRI/CAT scan to make sure it's not mini-strokes, a tumor etc. Those are the biggest concerns.

After that is figured out, you can do different things to see if it an allergy, which you are already doing. I had a list of food to take out of my diet, and you can bring things back one thing at a time. There are two other things that helped me, and a neuro can guide that to see if this is good for you. I went on Nortriptyline 25m because tricylic anti-depressants can help. After a month, I felt what it was like to not have a headache. I didn't remember feeling like that before. There was always a small one and I didn't realize it.

If you go on some medication like that, it will take time to get into your body chemistry. One of the best things, there is such good medication today to flat-out cut off an episode, like Imitrex (generic now). It's been around a while for a couple decades. It was not around until my late 20's and what was available was lame.

Good luck. You might not ever have a clear answer as to what causes them, and they might be here to stay; but you can at least have quality to your life if you can control them better.