amazon_television wrote:
Good God. I dunno man I am grossed out by feet. Not by the appearance per se (although they are to me the most "alien" looking part of the body), but I just think they are f**king foul in general. I don't want to subject anyone to touching my feet, and I have no desire to touch anyone else's (except I can touch other people's feet with my feet because the foulness cancels out

Plus if I get a massage it's 100% for functional purposes, i.e. my back and/or neck muscles are tense. If someone offered me a massage when I wasn't tense I'd outright decline because I wouldn't see the utility in their expending energy doing something that would not be "helpful" in the least.
Also I know feet are supposed to be an erogenous zone or whatever, but I think people with foot fetishes where they suck on toes and drink champagne out of filthy sweaty shoes must have a screw loose. If I have offended anyone I apologize

Haha everyone on the planet has a screw loose
But yeah I don't get the thing about having a fetish for gross/smelly feet. I like nice feet that don't smell.
I also like tickling feet...mwahahah
but only guys though, as I am gay.
I have had my toes sucked and it is lovely!! !! !! !!
Also, giving and receiving a massage is never a waste of time, even if it is not NEEDED, just wanted.
To receive is very healthy - to have someone focusing positive healing energy on you and to relax your body... plus it just feels so heavenly lol.
Also, for those giving massages - for the healing they give, they get it back. What goes around comes around.