I play club rugby. I picked it because it was out of my comfort zone and presented a lot of challenges. But it's turned out to be the best thing for me.
Rugby passes are short, with two hands. They are a lot easier than in any other ball sport. Most of what I do is support (I'm a lock).
I've had to figure out a lot of special tricks to keep up with the real-time action, but they work pretty well. It takes me five times as long to get a skill to work effectively, because it has to become muscle memory instead of 'executive function', but once I learn it I'm as good as anyone else.
My team is the San Francisco Fog, and it's an amazing group of people. I really enjoy the social aspect of the team, also. It isn't stressful, because there is a focus and purpose, and I can be social or not. I'm also 'out' as an Aspie to the team.
So sometimes the best sport isn't the most natural one.
I bowled at Molotov cocktails once, but you only get one frame.
"Yeah, I've always been myself, even when I was ill.
Only now I seem myself. And that's the important thing.
I have remembered how to seem."
-The Madness of King George