Depression meds are BAD. Do not EVER take them. They make you feel good when you first start taking them, which hooks you in. Then afterwards your general sanity will begin to deteriorate, but you won't even notice. That's because the pills make you so deluded, that you're thinking the pills are helping you (since they did at first). I was constantly fantasizing about killing people, and having other horrible psychotic thoughts. The worst part about it was that I didn't even realize it was bad. I started losing interest in everything I once loved, I had no libido (which made it difficult to keep any romantic relationship), and I had almost no appetite to speak of. I was a zombie drone, and I rarely ever felt happy. I either felt neutral or kind of sad. As a permanent side effect now, I have a significantly shorter temper than I used to. All thanks to the pills, even though I've been off of them for a couple years now.
A lot of psychiatrists are bought out by big pharma companies to peddle those awful mind-control pills, even though the bought-out bastard psychiatrists most likely know that they really ARE awful. They'll also make up problems for you, so that they can give you more pills and get a fatter paycheck from big pharma.
Interesting fact: Most school shooters were on SSRI's at the time of their shootings. Think about it...