you're preaching to the choir, ripcity. i have had since childhood a 15 degree rightward-bowing scoliosis between my 8th and 14th thoracic vertebrae, in addition to a dysfunctional sacro-iliac joint. everytime the weather changes or i get stressed-out by something, i get these wicked wry necks where my head is almost on its side because certain muscles spasm for days at a time, bending my neck sideways most cruelly. the wry neck is always accompanied by severe pulling pain in the middle of my back radiating all around. soma-comp codeine was barely adequate to take the edge off of this. i grew tolerant to this drug quickly so i stopped taking it soon after the initial script. everywhere i go i have to take along a low back pillow and watch my posture, because the minute i slouch, i get the wry neck before long.
i guess i should be thankful i don't have numb legs yet. just the same, it gets tiresome being made out of leftover parts from the reject bin.