hartzofspace wrote:
It might. I think that heat might aggravate it, since it is an inflammatory condition.
hmmm interesting
i've also just read this which is so much like my condition!
Causes of Pain in Xiphoid Process
There are varied factors concerning pain in xiphoid process. Generally, xiphoid pain is triggered by harmless activities such as lifting heavy objects or bending and even large meals can start pain attack or xiphoid process.
What Is Xiphoid Process?
If you are experiencing pain and discomfort in the lowest portion of your sternum or the bone that connects to the ribcage, then you must be experiencing xiphoid process syndrome. For non-medical practitioners or somebody who is not so familiar with medical terms, surely you must be wondering what is xiphoid process pain because it is a condition that is not so common
EDIT : Just tried it myself by pushing on my sternum area and sure enough it hurts and has actually made the pain slightly worse ( oops ). I'm wondering if after doing weight training and sometimes too heavy has damaged it in some way. The ultrasound pushed across that area was very painful aswell!