Does anyone have any experience with a fourth step from AA, NA, or another twelve step program?
I'm 9 months sober and I am participating in an AAWOL ( AA Way Of Life guided 12 step workshop).
The good thing is I'm feeling better than I ever have felt in my life.
The challenge is with regard to actually writing my fourth step. I'm using a Hazelden workbook for the first part.
During my years of abuse I frequently felt bad, however the part I'm struggling with is identifying the pieces that make up the big bad ball of wax. I'm afraid that limited emotional intelligence related to my AS is getting in the way, making it hard for me to write anything more than I felt bad or my behavior was bad.
Any advice or experience anyone can relate would be helpful, including if this post would be better placed in a different forum.
If anyone would prefer to send me a private message I would appreciate it and keep it confidential.
*xxX Invictus Maneo Xxx*