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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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03 Apr 2011, 1:52 am

i would like to know if running around the apartment complex that i live in would get rid of some of the waist fat i have. i usually drink water while walking/running.

since i cant seem to do sit ups well i thought that maybe i try doing "frozen" sit ups. longest one i ever did was 20 seconds though. i suck.

anyway are these good effective ways? what do you suggest?


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03 Apr 2011, 2:03 am

Any increase in your exercise level can be helpful in shedding weight.

Kudos for planning a routine!

I swear by drinking lots...and lots...and lots of water. It's pretty cliche, but it's so helpful.

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03 Apr 2011, 2:16 am

Gak66 wrote:
i would like to know if running around the apartment complex that i live in would get rid of some of the waist fat i have. i usually drink water while walking/running.

since i cant seem to do sit ups well i thought that maybe i try doing "frozen" sit ups. longest one i ever did was 20 seconds though. i suck.

anyway are these good effective ways? what do you suggest?

Reduce your caloric intake to 200 calories less than your basal metabolic caloric requirement and walk for about 30 minutes to an hour a day at a fairly brisk pace, five days a week.


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03 Apr 2011, 3:19 am

Those sound like good and effective ways. Even walking around the apartment complex will help.

A couple of suggestions based on my experience.

First do your exercise at about the same time everyday. I find by doing this, I am more likely to do the exercise since it is part of my daily routine.

Second gradually increase the amount of exercise you do over time. Like you could walk or run faster around the apartment complex or increase the distance you do.

For example I use a stationary bike for my exercise. I started with only doing 8 minutes on it when I first started. Then once a week I increased the time on it until now I spend about 40 minutes on it. That way I gradually stressed my body more instead of trying to do something real hard at first.

Whatever you do, do what you feels best for you and your circumstances. Nothing worse than trying to emulate what someone else does and giving up on exercising because you cannot do it.


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03 Apr 2011, 8:05 am

The title of this post made me laugh :)

I don't think exercise by itself is all that useful, really, as far as weight loss goes . . . you can run around the apartment complex all you want but if you eat too much it will make no difference. Additionally, you can't reduce fat in any one area. Weight loss from your stomach will mean weight loss from all over your body, and to achieve that you have to eat less. Try telling yourself that you don't have to eat as soon as you feel hungry. Train your body to endure it. Wait an hour or two, then allow yourself something. I think that part of the reason that people generally find themselves with excess fat is because they eat as soon as the feel the slightest pang of hunger, and so their bodies have never needed to use any of their own resources to keep going.

It sounds like you aren't really used to exercise, so I suggest walking, which puts less strain on your joints and still uses up the food you've eaten. Sit-ups will tone your abdominal muscles, but that is all, and the effect will not be visible at all if there is excess fat over the muscle, hiding it.

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03 Apr 2011, 9:19 am

Poppycocteau wrote:

I don't think exercise by itself is all that useful, really, as far as weight loss goes . . . you can run around the apartment complex all you want but if you eat too much it will make no difference. Additionally, you can't reduce fat in any one area. Weight loss from your stomach will mean weight loss from all over your body, and to achieve that you have to eat less. Try telling yourself that you don't have to eat as soon as you feel hungry. Train your body to endure it. Wait an hour or two, then allow yourself something. I think that part of the reason that people generally find themselves with excess fat is because they eat as soon as the feel the slightest pang of hunger, and so their bodies have never needed to use any of their own resources to keep going.

So burning up more calories by exercising doesn't do any good assuming you have the same eating habits?

By exercising you are forcing the body to use its own resources to supply the demand that it needs at the time.

Saying that the only way to have weight loss is to eat less is a simplification of the process of losing weight.


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03 Apr 2011, 12:35 pm

It's not that it does no good - just not as much as you'd think. According to my cross trainer monitor thirty minutes on it burns roughly 100 calories, which is nothing, really. Of course exercise will help the process along a bit, but I still think that eating less is the most important thing.

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03 Apr 2011, 1:46 pm

It depends though. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, so if you are out of shape, you are going to burn fewer calories no matter what. Exercise also speeds up your metabolism. So it seems to me like it would make a difference. I think eating less without exercising would be a harder way to lose weight (but I'm no expert).


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03 Apr 2011, 2:15 pm

It depends though. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, so if you are out of shape, you are going to burn fewer calories no matter what. Exercise also speeds up your metabolism. So it seems to me like it would make a difference. I think eating less without exercising would be a harder way to lose weight (but I'm no expert).

That's true . . . perhaps, as with most things, the answer lies in moderation on both counts. A little exercise, a little less food. Perhaps I'm letting the fact that I'm a bit obsessive and weird about food colour my answer.

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