Last Saturday I went to our college game where we won our confrence championship (small liberal arts schools have shorter seasons) and I wished more then anything that I was still out there with them, and thinking maybe I should try to go out there next year.
There are several problems with this however. First off Ive pretty much been forbidden from ever playing football again, I had a tramatic head injury when I was younger and even in high school I was seriously warned against playing football (and in college the guys are bigger and the hits are harder, even here.) Which brings me to my next problem, I havent even played football since my sophomore year of high school because the guys on that team were jerks, and I was never that good back then, though I think I could be good now with the right coach and the right position (two things I was never able to get until peewee league football.) I would make the team no matter what (they cant cut me, at least not for sucking) but I dont want to warm the bench all year long, at least not the next 2 years, which is my last problem, as soon as I have a chance to start it will be time to graduate.
Theres another issue along with this, I know someone who might be able to get me into good shape and good condition to play this, hes pretty much the star of the team (which I am just a tad bit jealous of) and weve always been pretty good friends, however I wouldnt know where to begin appoaching him with helping me, then theres always the problem that he could see it all as a joke and refuse (do you think this is even a good idea to begin with.) Please help i dont know what to do. edit: oh also I know the coach of the team is quite cool, maybe I should go ask him what I should do?
"we never get respect ... never a fair trial
[swearing removed by lau] ... as long as we smile"
Im tired of smiling.
Vote for me in 2020