thewrll wrote:
That is one low scoring game.
Dare I suggest you don't understand it? that was almost two goals a minute! actually a fairly high score given the even match of teams and tightness of defense.
The ball is passed off from the centre and the players may not move with the ball or hold it for more than three seconds, it must also be played in each third of the court before shooting eg, the centre passes it to the wing attack who must stop with the ball and pass it to one of her attacking players in the goal end third of the court who are vieing for posistion with the defenders for receipt or interception of the pass, then they may shoot within three seconds, all without contact on either player or ball. If an interception occurs then they must get the ball to the other end in the same manner, If a goal is scored then the ball is returned to the centre and passed off again, this alternated regardless of who scored last.
This is one of the ultimate games of teamwork and precision ball skills as well as quick feet and dynamic changes in play following an intercept, it is an institution among many NZ and Australian communities and the domain of our wahine ataha ahua.
Try googling the rules and then watching some Silver Ferns v Australia games and you may change your mind.
peace j
Just because we can does not mean we should.
What vision is left? And is anyone asking?
Have a great day!