For those considering martial arts, Judo is a very good place to start, and it can last you a lifetime. Be careful about choosing a school or club, it should be oriented to "hard" as opposed to competitive judo and if you show the instructor this list and he seems confused, leave and look elsewhere.
Kodokan Goshinjutsu
SEVEN Kata of Kodokan Judo dealing with self-protection for both men and women as well as arresting and control methods. Enough material to keep one occupied for at least a "bit". And this doesn't include the study and research into other obscure "kata" and methods used in Kodokan Judo over the years.
"Kata" is REPRESENTATIVE. Koshiki-no-Kata is "representative" of Kitoryu waza. Kime-no-Kata of Tenjin-Shinyo-ryu(which is NOT "Aiki" like at ALL). Nage-no-Kata is representative of the complete Nage-Waza syllabus contained in Judo. So it is with the "self-defense" methods. Self-PROTECTION from a Japanese Budo/Bujutsu perspective covers THREE possible scenarios: Go-no-Sen, Sen, Sen-sen-no-Sen. Defensive, Mutual, Pre-emptive.
This progression of waza holds true in the "kanzen" or complete syllabus, though perhaps only ONE "level" is represented in the formal "Kata".
Atemiwaza is a complete study unto itself (it is NOT based on Okinawan forms of te). However bear in mind that as a COMPLETE fighting art, Judo/Jujutsu atemi MUST seamlessly "fit" into use with any WAZA, shime-nage-kansetsu or osae. Judo self-defense is NOT simply gyakuzuki, maegeri, then throw with seoi-nage and finish with a kansetsu-waza. It's NOT karate-waza mixed with "sport" judo. Just as REAL Aiki-jujutsu is NOT simply "hard" karate mixed with Aikido!
This just scratches the surface.
One last point- A major part of study concerning the self-defense aspect of Judo is in training the "banned" waza.
Judo should be a lifelong sustainable practice and study. NOT just confined to one's youthful "competitive" years.