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08 Jan 2012, 2:16 pm

I haven't slept in 22 hours. Even though I laid in bed for 8 hours

Sea Gull
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08 Jan 2012, 4:40 pm

A variety of things could be going on.

Did you eat or exercise within a few hours of trying to sleep?
Maybe you started a new medication?

Sometimes a combination of a forgotten medication dose, and an overactive imagination keep me from sleeping until 3am. I will be really physically exhausted but still can't fall asleep.

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Tufted Titmouse
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10 Jan 2012, 9:24 am

I have had a sleeping disorder since I was born it would seem. I go days without sleeping all the time... and I was told I simply require low sleep. After like 50 hours without I tend to get annoyed. Usually it is a 2-4 hours of sleep one day, skipping sleep another day :/ I was also told low sleep comes with being Autistic. Is this true?

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10 Jan 2012, 8:08 pm

I was also told low sleep comes with being Autistic. Is this true?

I think it is. I and my younger son both have out-of-sync sleeping habits.

On the nights that I can't sleep until 3am, I only sleep for 4-5 hours. If I can make myself go to bed earlier (say 1am) I still wake up very early.

Before we started using liquid melatonin, and he started pre-school, my son would stay up until 10pm, sleep until 2 or 3am, then take a three hour nap around 1pm. We could never get him switched around for very long.

When it happens now, it doesn't really bother me. I stopped working, and don't have much to do (that requires restful sleep) once the kids go to school.

Another mother with children on the spectrum told me they have had similar experiences.

Hoppiness is lurv.

Tufted Titmouse
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11 Jan 2012, 7:28 am

Georgia wrote:

I am glad to see others like that Heh
my mom said it drove her nuts when I was a baby, not being able to sleep. All the other members of my family love to sleep. My brother in the Army can go without, but he can sleep anytime anywhere. I always felt weird being up all the time while the world slept.


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11 Jan 2012, 12:33 pm

Risperidone cured my insomnia and according to a friend of mine, an anti-candida diet can cure it too. Although Risperidone can't be a recommendation for most people, unless you tried everything else.


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12 Jan 2012, 11:23 am

Terrible insomnia, I can't sleep at all.

When I try to sleep, I often lie awake till 1 or 3 am.
I used to use melatonine to solve this problem, but since I'm having terrible visual snow
and other wierd eye problems I refuse to take any kind of medicine anymore.


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13 Jan 2012, 1:17 pm

For the longest time, most of my life for that matter, I could not innitiate sleep at well. I started noticing that at five or six when I'd be put to bed around 9:30 or ten and would be up till 1:30 or 2:00 AM. When I'd close my eyes and relax - nothing happened.

The only thing that has worked for me is melatonin. Currently I have a bottle of 3mg tablets and have noticed that while 3mg can help I typically need two to get a whole lot done. I've heard of using it in progressive series (take 3 mg at one given time, 3 mg an hour later). It seems to have helped my sleep cycles and I have been able to take myself back off of it and still sleep reasonably well albeit its typically just a matter of time before my body starts going back to its old settings and I have to start taking it again.

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18 Jan 2012, 8:27 pm

22 hours is pretty bad.
I have trouble falling asleep on most nights then I go on a sleep a thon on the weekends.


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03 Feb 2012, 3:39 am

I am very similar to you.
I have too much anxiety to sleep and my imagination is especially active at night.

I tried meletonen and even that did not work. Tylenol PM works pretty good but makes it hard to wake up.

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03 Feb 2012, 9:10 am

artrat wrote:
I am very similar to you.
I have too much anxiety to sleep and my imagination is especially active at night.
Out of curiousity how much caffein and nicotine do you take in per day? Are you on any stimulant meds for ADD?

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.

Sea Gull
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03 Feb 2012, 11:24 am

I have insomnia as well. I simply can't fall asleep sometimes, I'll close my eyes and just lay there for hours but I won't fall asleep. I have no problems staying awake for over 30 hours, I've done it lots of times.

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03 Feb 2012, 12:34 pm

I was up for nearly 72 hours. It was scary as hell.

I still have alot of trouble getting to sleep. Even on prescription sedatives, I can lay in the dark for hours.

Sarah - Age 20 - Clinically Diagnosed

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Sea Gull
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03 Feb 2012, 9:46 pm

CeciliaAnn wrote:
I was up for nearly 72 hours.

I accept your challenge.


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04 Feb 2012, 6:45 am

I'm forcing myself into insomnia for the day. Must reset circadian cycle.