InTheLight wrote:
Yeah, they do give you a tour of everything the first time you visit, and even invite you to try out one of the weight machines. I'm still not sure I'm doing it right, so I guess I could ask, but it's just embarrassing to betray how clumsy you are, you know?
I find the easiest way to get past that feeling of embarrassment is as follows:
[1.] Realise (as I have over the years) that SO many more people than you think you have joined a gym are wondering the same thing you are and are also to afraid to ask. I've seen people watching me when I ask a question, listening and miming the actions I'm being shown as if to learn it while listening, then clearly looking relieved they could just eavesdrop and didn't have to ask too. Some of these people even say "oh good, I thought I was the only one who didn't understand how this thing worked, thank god" etc.)
[2.] BE SELF-DEPRECATING - that is: light-heartedly, with confidence and with a big smile, say "I've got NO idea how to use [x] machine. I'm so new at this! I need all the help I can get. Could you come over and explain to me how these machines work please?" Make light of the fact. Don't veer into putting-yourself-down territory though
Just stick to self-deprecating.
I've relied on [2.] sooooo many times in all kinds of situations as a way of COMPLETELY removing embarrassment from the situation. I find it empowering. It helps me function 100 times better than I normally would, because times when I would just sort of stand there frozen, or run away and never come back (and miss out on a good/fun valuable thing) are gone.
Edit: I just had thought. Maybe this only works if you are a woman/girl.