I joined a gym a while back. I heard it takes three months of regular weight training before you really start to notice a change in your body shape. Well, I didn't manage to stick at it that long. One of my New Years Resolutios is to go again regularly.
Anyway, I've been spending some time on the net reading about weights, and I came across an interview with Greg Valentino. Cool, huh?
The Most Hated Man in Bodybuilding
An Interview with Greg Valentino
by Chris Shugart
To normal, untrained people, those who choose to lift weights to get bigger are considered freaks. Why, they say, would anyone put themselves through all that just to get bigger biceps and more defined abs? Are they obsessed? Do they suffer from low self-esteem? To the people who lift weights recreationally, professional bodybuilders are the real freaks. Why do they risk their health to look like that when most people think they look disgusting anyway? Do they have psychological "issues?" Body Dysmorphic Disorder? Small penises?
But who is it that the professional bodybuilders call a freak? Who is the freak's freak? Answer: Greg Valentino. If you don't know Mr. Valentino, check out the pics below (and no, there's no Photoshopping involved):