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27 Jun 2012, 11:42 am

Am i the only one who feels more stressed for getting 8 or 9 hours sleep? When i get 5 or 6 hours of rest i actually feel that my mind is not racing at a million miles an hour. when i get 8 hours of rest i become hyper aware of everything in my enviorment and lose my temper more easily.

for example i remember one night before college where i got no sleep at all and the following day although i ware tired i could just drift by and go with the flow better and was not that stressed at all just a bit sleepy. its saught of like the feeling you get after exercising. the day after that (when i made up for lack of sleep by getting 8-9 hours of rest) i felt more grumpy and irratable at college the following day.

this could be partly down too how our aspie brains operate?


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27 Jun 2012, 11:50 am

Even at 8 years old I would stay up (secretly) until 2 or 3 am and get up for school at 7:00 am.. was always fine. Today - if I get 5 to 6 hours sleep I feel great and function best - I am alert and feel wide awake. More sleep than that... I am in trouble and feel like crap and my head is in a fog.

Not sure if it is an ADHD thing or Aspie thing... or maybe both....


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27 Jun 2012, 11:53 am

I'm an aspie and the more sleep I get the better (as long as it's not over 10 hours) so I guess not all aspie's are like that.


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27 Jun 2012, 11:58 am

How would more sleep make ADHD worse?


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27 Jun 2012, 12:52 pm

My boyfriend is a little like that. He doesn't need very much sleep and if he sleeps too much he is less alert and cranky.

On the other hand, I need a LOT of sleep. 8 hours is the bare minimum for me, in an ideal situation I would go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 7.30am. Even if I go to sleep at midnight and sleep til midday I still don't feel right. I have to go to sleep well before midnight to feel OK the next day. This is not always feasible.


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27 Jun 2012, 1:33 pm

no, more sleep is not good. Unless I get less than 5 hours, that is worse. Sleeping over 8 hours will lead to a day of decreased efficiency, for sure.

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07 Jul 2012, 8:03 am

I need 10-12 to feel my best.
8 is acceptable.
Less than that, and we're getting into oh-my-god-I-wanna-die the next day territory.

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07 Jul 2012, 8:11 am

I'm ok with 4 - 5 hours, but for optimal recovery from lifting I should get 8 - 9.


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07 Jul 2012, 2:33 pm

Maybe it's because your mind isn't able to process as much when you get less sleep so it's not able to focus on things that would cause anxiety & your able to focus better because your body & mind isn't trying to burn up access energy by directing it at something else . I would recommended talking to a doc/psych about it & considering medication(like perhaps a benzo) that could slow the processing down a little instead of sacrificing sleep regally to function better mentally. I know from personal experience that not getting a lot of sleep for a long period of time can have some bad long term affects on your body & your mind. I've been average about 5/6 hours of sleep lately because my body/mind simpley won't let me get more even thou I want to & I'm feeling some effects from it.

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11 Jul 2012, 12:05 am

I too function alot better on less sleep - I have driven and worked for a 9 hour shift on less than 3 hours sleep. Mostly, my mind is clearer and more precise on less sleep (6-7 hours optimal). However, my body disagrees and I find myself sleeping the days away unless I make myself wake up. If I do sleep for long periods (8-12 hours) I feel horrible, foggy, and unfocussed. Not sure if that's apart of aspie either...

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11 Jul 2012, 12:51 am

TM wrote:
I'm ok with 4 - 5 hours, but for optimal recovery from lifting I should get 8 - 9.

I found out for me, because I do a lot of singles and doubles to actually partially avoid gaining muscle mass, it taxes the CNS out a lot. So even if my muscles aren't achy, I still need lots of sleep. I'd say as far as "recovery" for weightlifting goes, the problem isn't really your muscles, it's your brain. So if you're just repping out, you can probably get away with less sleep. I think anyway. I think that's partially why people go for higher rep schemes, you never get the depression and stuff that comes from taxing your CNS out a lot. I know for the CNS thing, that's what happened with the Bulgarian style OL lifting program, yes, the doing heavy singles everyday thing certainly works but supposedly a doctor that worked during the Abadajiev era said it was just mentally too tough on the lifters, so even though there were physical injuries that occurred from such programs, mental health was the main problem of such a program. ANYWAY....

Me personally, I'm pretty much punch drunk on like 4 hours sleep, barely functional without lots and lots of coffee. I need at least 7-8 to like, not hate everything ever, and then ideally I like 9-10 or even 12 after a hard lifting day. I think one time after being up for 24 hours straight, I slept 14 hours. Ideally, I'd go to bed at 8PM and wake up at 5 or 6AM. Maybe I need less of a social life....than my minuscule one now.

But for me, more sleep is always better. I'm more confident and better feeling with more sleep, which might make me more "weird" but less "freaky" so whatever.


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11 Jul 2012, 12:54 am

nick007 wrote:
Maybe it's because your mind isn't able to process as much when you get less sleep so it's not able to focus on things that would cause anxiety & your able to focus better because your body & mind isn't trying to burn up access energy by directing it at something else . I would recommended talking to a doc/psych about it & considering medication(like perhaps a benzo) that could slow the processing down a little instead of sacrificing sleep regally to function better mentally. I know from personal experience that not getting a lot of sleep for a long period of time can have some bad long term affects on your body & your mind. I've been average about 5/6 hours of sleep lately because my body/mind simpley won't let me get more even thou I want to & I'm feeling some effects from it.

I'm thinking the reason why it could possibly be so is adrenaline. On little sleep, your body can make adrenaline to compensate (that's how ADHD meds/coffee/etc work, activating your adrenals) and thus the adrenaline makes you feel clearer.

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22 Aug 2012, 10:25 pm

My body likes to have at least 12 hours of sleep. I believe it is because my brain is growing (as I am a teenager). But it can get annoying when I go to bed at 10pm and somehow I still sleep till noon. :?


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23 Aug 2012, 8:24 am

I'm one of those people who needs like... 10 hours.