Alright, since I do both training with dumb- and barbells, as well as bodyweight excersises (actually, at the moment, I do more of the latter), I can give you my routine, but requires alot of time, as it targets muscle stamina
1. Pull ups - and I mean pull ups, from all the way down, arms almost completely stretched out, and pulling your chin over the bar: either 15 reps and 8 sets (close grip), or 10 reps and 8 sets (wide grip).
2. Squats, unweightes, nothing special: 200 reps, 8 sets. If you want to go more fore the gluteus maximus, you can do lunges instead (I do less reps, but same sets).
3. Crunches / Situps: 100 reps, 6 sets
4. Push-ups, hands tilted to the inside (so the fingertips connect in the middle) for triceps and chest, 150 reps, 8 sets.
5. One-arm push-ups, 10 reps each arm, 5 sets.
I usually end things with push-ups on my fingers (five and three), but mainly to toughen my finger joints. As for breaks in between sets, I usually make a break that is rougly 1.5x the time I needed to complete each set.