auntblabby wrote:
what drug/supplement can counteract the spaciness side-effect of gabapentin?
No one that can help repair damage even though I cant stop taking the gabapentin. Tall order. If I stop taking the gabapentin a seizure Is like highly probable, I can not risk another head trauma right now. Ive also stopped taking certain oc pain relievers.
hyperlexan wrote:
perhaps a game like this one may help:'s supposed to help with attentiveness and memory. you might also try typing words that are slowly recited to you. that can help you "translate" the spoken words to written language again.
Down loaded It I will try It later It does look stimulating.
1000Knives wrote:
Choline is an amino acid needed to repair nerves. So choline would be a totally safe bet.
The other medications you could look into would be racetams, they've been shown to repair brain damage, I'm quite interested in them in the case of my NVLD, but haven't taken any yet. Piracetam is the weakest, and noopept is the strongest of racetams, they're pretty widely used in Europe, just not FDA approved in America. Racetams need to be taken with choline, too.
Choline shouldn't be an Issue I eat enough eggs. I also realized being around other people to day that I missed a serious problem. I'm having a hard time with lacking inhibition I didn't notice around home or the hospital but it became apparent quickly at work and I'm doing stims that I stopped doing years ago. On the up side Ive been the happiest Ive been in years the last week. Sorry for the capital I s the spellchecker doesn't catch them in the beginning of a word.