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20 Oct 2015, 11:34 am

Seriously, I hate them a lot and grew to hate them even more when I learned not everyone even gets them, which means some lucky people never have to deal with them. They're ugly and contagious....and like to pop up at terrible times such as a day I plan to hang out with my boyfriend we are pretty close at this point so I am sure he'll still want to see me even if we cant do much kissing but still wtf.

Meh either way trying to get rid of it....caught it pretty early so just throwing every remedy I can find at it maybe it will retreat instead of forming the full on blister thing.

So does anyone else get these lovely things? On the bright-side I only ever get a single one...I guess some people get multiple little ones which sounds terrible.

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20 Oct 2015, 3:42 pm

pffft its just a sunburn blister apparently.

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23 Oct 2015, 5:43 pm

Nope, I occasionally get mouth ulsers which can be annoying. I don't take anything strong with them.

There is a barrier gel called Soothe Gel which helps, all the other are rally heavily medicated.