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02 Mar 2013, 11:21 am

Has anyone ever had bruxism and/or TMJ, as well as wearing a mouthguard at night, and then during times of stress your mouth, jaw and teeth become increasingly more painful?

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02 Mar 2013, 3:21 pm

yes i just got diagnosed with tmj and it f*****g hurts like hell i have to get a follow up with a dentist to confirm the diagnosis though i went to the ent because it started out as ear pain but he diagnosed it as tmj by feeling the sides of my jaw he asked do i gring my teeth i said no but afterwards i have been more aware and i have been realizing i do clench my jaw sometimes as a nervous habit


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02 Mar 2013, 10:02 pm

Ravenclawgurl yes it is does hurt and my seems to really be related to stress and I did have it under control pretty well. Just this last week I encountered more stress than usual and so my symptoms increased again similar to when I first noticed the bruxism. During the day I try to pay attention and make sure I am not clenching my jaw. Also I have even done yoga and meditation which do help some.

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13 Mar 2013, 9:59 am

I've had mild bruxism, but it eventually eased after I became more aware of it and learned to relax my jaw more, especially under stress. Also one treatment option nowadays that I've read about would be botox injections to your masseter muscle which is supposed to relax the muscles in your jaw area.

I hope you'll find a way.

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13 Mar 2013, 8:10 pm

Lilya thank you for the kind words of encouragement and the bruxism is gradually improving again.

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