My current therapist suggested a 'Yoga for Anxiety' workshop for me to try. It's a 'no experience required' workshop. I've been doing a bunch of reading on what to expect, and what's expected of me. helped a lot, and I had to go out and get a pair of pants as all I own are jeans.
I'm fine with people touching me, but I don't do moist or gooey (creams/sunscreens/gels/etc) feelings. I should be able to tolerate my own sweat, but I can't touch other people if either of us is sweaty.
Smell is the sense that usually sets me off; natural human smells (sweat, etc) are usually fine, but chemically smells like air fresheners or cleaning products and floral scents (natural or artificial) are an issue.
My other big triggers are taste related, but that is unlikely to come up in this situation I would think, as long as the water and bottle it's in are acceptable, which I have control over.
Glare can get to me, but most normal indoor lighting is totally fine.
We are allowed to bring a support person with us to make it less stressful.
Are there any tips for a first timer that could help? I'm not in the worst shape I've ever been (got a dog that needs walking about 1.5 years ago), but I wouldn't say I'm in good shape at all. Though I did learn (while trying out pants for this) that I can touch my toes quite easily; hurts, but I can actually do it.