I'd been managing depression for years with massive doses of fish oil capsules when I was introduced to ground flax seed. I found this just as effective and more tasty and nutricious, yet hideously expensive as 8-10 days supply (350g) costs £5.99 in my local health food shop.
Then I realised that Linseeds ARE flax seeds, and that my local tesco sells 250g bags of Brown Linseed for 99p.
Only problem being that being very tough, they will simply pass through, and you won't get the benefit. Then, after a frustrating time with pestle and mortar, I hit on the solution - about half a bag at a time in a dry blender! Chuck it in, TILT the blender so they circulate, and then fire it up for 20-30 seconds, and bingo! Milled, digestible flax seed at a fraction of the cost, I can whizz up my own at £6 for 1.5 KILOS rather than 350g - happy days!
I have mine for breakfast now, about 30-50g of flax, 125g of live probiotic yoghurt and a big dollop of honey, all stirred up.
Breakfast for a whole week (unless I treat myself to a proper "man" breakfast, lol) costs:
2 x 500g pots of yoghurt - £ 2.00 to £3.00 depending on brand.
350g home milled flax, £1.39
Jar of cheap honey 99p
Or, in other words, about the cost of 2 beers.
Thought I'd share this for the benefit of anyone else who's also health conscious and skint
Edited due to having my head up my backside - 250g bags, not 500g
Aspie Score 173/200. NT score 43/200. AQ 37.
BAP: 108% Aloof. 117% Rigid. 112% Pragmatic.
Conformity sucks anyway.
Last edited by torquemada on 28 Jun 2013, 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.