Again, not sure if this is the right forum, but I need to complain anyway. I got an ear infection from like a lymph node in my jaw, and it's just driving me crazy. Everything either sounds like I'm near deaf, or else something wrong. Like, all the music I can hear, it all sounds like a pitch or key or tone lower than it should be, I'm not good with music terms, but it all sounds lower, like even Weird Al songs sound a bit lower and somber. Just wish I knew why it was causing musical sounds to be like that, it's driving me crazy that I can't hear any songs the true way, and that this infection might be causing permanent damage to m hearing, even though I've got antibiotics I have to take. And that's not to speak of the pain in each of my ears like right now, like balloons full of air inside the ear drums that won't pop. just wish I knew how long before I returned to normal.