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18 Oct 2013, 10:15 pm

When I meditate my mind is quiet but as soon as I move it all floods back.

nick007 said
Have you tried the benzopine Lorazepam/Ativan? It's used for anxiety alot because it kind of slows the nervous system down some like other benzos which would slow the mind down some & it also has properties of causing tiredness. A higher dose alittle while before going to bed might help.

I'm all ready on 1800mg of Nuroten a day but my body over comes most drugs quickly. :( I have to avoid any opiates as well. I was hooked from using them for sleep.

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18 Oct 2013, 10:22 pm

This probably won't work for you, since your sleep problems seem very severe, but.... Ever try reading a book in bed? I've been reading more in bed lately, and I find after 20-30 minutes I start yawning and getting tired.

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18 Oct 2013, 10:52 pm

I've reached a lot higher level of urgency as of late. I going to go crazy in a literal way and my Dr.s are trying every thing they can think of . I'm only getting >15minutes of rem sleep every other day and it is having a very detrimental effect on my mind. I feel if I can find away to reduce the amout of thought in my head I could rest a little more and start a proper recovery. My mind is currently over clocked by 50% in other words if I was to tell you how much time has passed it would be a minute and a half for every minute passed. Great for my employer I must look like I'm on speed all day but its tearing my body and mind apart. I'm resting 2 hours meditating one night sleeping two hour the other all the time the last time I sleep longer was when I depressed about my grand parents passing two night of "sleep". but not now. Am frustrated but willing to try any thing it a matter of sanity. Sorry if its long winded but if I was typing as fast as I'm thinking I'd have filled 6 pages.

Sorry Ponder if I start reading I wont stop reading till the book is done or its time for work. :(

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20 Oct 2013, 2:42 pm

Its a little different, but I've been grounding myself of late. Doing so has had a nice calming effect on my mind. I remember reading in the book Earthing by Clinton Ober a mention on this, on how EEG tests showed a calming effect of electrical activity in the brain after 30 minutes of grounding. On page 82 of the book some info. can be read on this: ... lm&f=false

Best of luck Hope you find relief soon.


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23 Oct 2013, 11:18 pm

This one may seem odd, but perhaps it is worth a try.

A head/scalp massage tool. ... r-mr-title

These things can be great for putting you in a euphoric state and calming your mind. The downside is they are shipped from China and take around two-three weeks to get to you.

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23 Oct 2013, 11:39 pm

I have agreed to take part in a sleep study with a new drug that works in a different way. Its meant for chronic insomniacs like me, have my fingers crossed.

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24 Oct 2013, 9:11 pm

Wow, good luck! What is the drug called?

johnny77 wrote:
I have agreed to take part in a sleep study with a new drug that works in a different way. Its meant for chronic insomniacs like me, have my fingers crossed.

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26 Oct 2013, 10:46 am

It has its chemical name no "name" yet, but seems to be working!

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26 Oct 2013, 11:48 am

The best thing to make my mind feel calm (without drugs) is running.

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26 Oct 2013, 1:40 pm

johnny77 wrote:
It has its chemical name no "name" yet, but seems to be working!
I'm glad to hear it & hope it keeps up. Keep us posted

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28 Oct 2013, 4:33 pm

um,..Cycling usually as well as light music, and being with someone always helps too.


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28 Oct 2013, 7:33 pm

5 hours sleep a night for several days. I can think again! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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02 Nov 2013, 4:52 pm

Jojoba wrote:
Its a little different, but I've been grounding myself of late. Doing so has had a nice calming effect on my mind. I remember reading in the book Earthing by Clinton Ober a mention on this, on how EEG tests showed a calming effect of electrical activity in the brain after 30 minutes of grounding. On page 82 of the book some info. can be read on this: ... lm&f=false

Best of luck Hope you find relief soon.

I just created a post on this in the health section. You should drop by and share your experiences.


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06 Nov 2013, 11:51 pm

I have a heavy copper plate under my soldering bench for a static ground. It is connected to a 10 foot long rod drove in to the ground. I do feel better in my legs when my bear foot is on it but i all ways figured it was because the plate was cold. I'll set up to try grounding at night when i sleep ill give feed back on it if it helps or not.
The sleeping drug is still working even now with huge stress at work and another major loss in my life. 5 hour seem just right for me it is so nice.

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07 Nov 2013, 8:38 am

johnny77 wrote:
I have a heavy copper plate under my soldering bench for a static ground. It is connected to a 10 foot long rod drove in to the ground. I do feel better in my legs when my bear foot is on it but i all ways figured it was because the plate was cold. I'll set up to try grounding at night when i sleep ill give feed back on it if it helps or not.
The sleeping drug is still working even now with huge stress at work and another major loss in my life. 5 hour seem just right for me it is so nice.

Nice that the new medication is helpful. Hopfully the copper grounding plate will be of additional help.

I spent a good portion last night hopping around on a concrete floor. When I came home I went to bed with my feet and knees sore. I slept grounded, and slept well but woke up with my legs still feeling beat up. During breakfast I placed my bare feet onto the grounding mat I have for 30 minutes or so, they became tingly toward the end, and as usually happens anymore the leg pain all but vanished.


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13 Nov 2013, 2:18 am

Haven't hooked up a ground to the bed it will be long enough into the study that I don't have 2 variables being changed at a time. But still getting 5 hours a night regularly.

He didn't say what I think he did, did he?
I'm not sure I didn't understand any of it.