melmaclorelai wrote:
I definitely have a motivation issue as I've never been in the habit of exercising for a long list of reasons - I am not interested in most sports or physical activities, I don't care for competition or being hot, sweaty, short of breath and in desperate need of water, I find gyms to be awkward places, I wasn't raised to be physically active, I had a hard time of it in gym class at school, I am unfit and uncoordinated as well as a bit overweight and most of my interests and hobbies involve sitting down.
I used to be just like that. I didn't start exercising regularly until the age of 32 and then did so out of vanity to get my weight under control. Once I did it for a couple of weeks and saw the immediate changes, however, I was hooked. Been doing it for over 20 years now, every day: ab crunches (alternate between 2 different prerecorded routines), weight training with a bench and barbells and 2 miles a day on the treadmill.
No competition involved, I can do in the privacy of my own home and even watch TV while I do it. As far as motivation is concerned, once you make it a daily routine, you'll feel "off" if you
don't do it. As far as getting sweaty, that only lasts while you're doing it. Unless you live outdoors, there's always a shower afterward.
You won't get out of breath once you're in shape and you won't ever be in desperate need of water if you drink enough water over the rest of your day, which you ought to be doing anyway, just for your general health. If you don't like the taste of your tap water, get a screw-on water filter for the faucet or one of those plastic pitchers with a built-in filter that you can keep in your fridge.
If you really
commit to it for one month, you'll never want to stop. But that's the trick - you have to MAKE yourself do it at first, without allowing
any excuses. Once you begin to SEE the physical changes in your body, motivation will no longer be a problem. You will not want to go back to what you were ever again.