I wouldnt say hate, but I think of car racing in circles (Nascar, Formula 1, ...) is pretty boring, as well as american football. I really tried to give the last one a chance, and so watched that superbowl match two times, that was aired in europe as well, but nothing ever happens.
So they discuss about 5 minutes, walk a bit around, until they finally start, play three seconds, then there is again a lot of talking and a dozend replays of the three seconds, and some guy goes measuring something with a line, and then they do again some talking, until they finally go to their positions, change that four times, until they finally play again 3 seconds...
I dont know, in your football film there is always so much action and the ball being thrown around between players, and others tackling... But in the two real matches I saw, I think actually a turtle would have reached that goal faster, then the football actually does in realtime, including all the interruptions. O_o The myth, that during superbowl pause, there would be a water problem, because of so many people going at once to the toilette, is for me not to understand, because actually, there seems to be every 3 seconds, a break, giving you plenty of time to visit the toilette easily a 100 times during the match.