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30 Sep 2013, 3:36 pm

1.} Basketball
{I used to be a fan of the Portland Trail Blazers, but now I think they're the worst team in the NBA.}

2.} Wrestling
{When we were kids, my sister and I loved watching WWE Wrestling, but later realized it was all fake. After that, we only watched wrestling if there was nothing else to watch on TV.}

3.} Mixed Martial Arts
{Though I am considering training at a boxing facility in Portland, I think MMA is nothing more than overrated.}

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Last edited by AnonymousAnonymous on 30 Sep 2013, 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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30 Sep 2013, 5:55 pm

kx250rider wrote:
1000Knives wrote:

Bodybuilding. Well, again, can't say "hate" for BBing, either. It's just weird to me. I don't understand the mentality. And nowadays it's more of a circus freak show all about just who can pump themselves up with the most drugs. The natural(er) physiques in the era of John Grimek/etc were much better looking. Going with the drugs thing, for people that get seriously involved with it, it becomes sort of the antithesis of pursuit of strength and health as you're on a bunch of drugs and generally on terrible unhealthy diets and are unhealthy in general. Lots and lots of bodybuilders die young, get liver replacements, heart replacements, etc.

That's one BIG reason why I'd never be interested in competing. I balance things properly, and will not sacrifice my health for any competition. For me, it's all about finding my limits, and pushing them higher when the time comes, and no need to do stupid things in the meantime.


Fair play mate.


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30 Sep 2013, 7:29 pm

Any "blood" sport, such as MMA, professional wrestling*, boxing.....

* I can get into amateur wresting, as it is a real sport without the gory stuff and bears little resemblance to professional wrestling.

Snowy Owl
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08 Oct 2013, 6:52 pm

Growing up in my teens i never thought i would be into sports since at the time i had an "outcast" phase, the associated sports with Jock culture. Over the years i rediscovered the sports i was introduced to as a kid, Pro-wrestling and Baseball and now i'm loving them (I'm actually watching the MLB world series Oakland Athletics vs Detroit Tigers game as i'm typing this.)

Sports that i dislike however:

-MMA: nothing against the sport itself i have alot of respect for Jason David Frank a.k.a the Green power ranger turned MMA fighter and pro martial artist. But as most people have pointed out its the culture associated with it that turns me off: the hardcore culture, guys that are high on testosterone felling the need to prove they're manlier then the next guy, if you check out convos related to UFC alot of fan comments sound like grade school bullies just itching to pick a fight. There's also the promotion of energy drinks, which is an opinion ofr another day...

-Hockey: living in Canada it is inevitable to run into it. To be fair i tolerate it and would not mind seeing a live game if i were given free tickets. I just prefer Baseball.

-Football: a cartoonist once commented: "i don't understand how can a sport about beefy men touching each-other produce so many homophobes?" While that is an exaggeration, football is a sport i barely got into and never found it interesting, football fan ulture i find dangeroustly close to MMA fan culture, just an observation...

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08 Oct 2013, 6:55 pm

ghoti wrote:
Any "blood" sport, such as MMA, professional wrestling*, boxing.....

* I can get into amateur wresting, as it is a real sport without the gory stuff and bears little resemblance to professional wrestling.


skip to 0:16

:lol: Just teasing you man :wink:

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Dec 2013, 2:03 pm

Grand_pilot wrote:
-MMA: nothing against the sport itself i have alot of respect for Jason David Frank a.k.a the Green power ranger turned MMA fighter and pro martial artist. But as most people have pointed out its the culture associated with it that turns me off: the hardcore culture, guys that are high on testosterone felling the need to prove they're manlier then the next guy, if you check out convos related to UFC alot of fan comments sound like grade school bullies just itching to pick a fight. There's also the promotion of energy drinks, which is an opinion ofr another day...

Yeah, many of the "Fans" want to talk tough, but most them can't even get through a conditioning session without puking.

In Europe they don't control the soccer fans, so why blame MMA here in the states?


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02 Dec 2013, 6:13 pm

Golf and horseback riding.


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03 Dec 2013, 7:23 am

I wouldnt say hate, but I think of car racing in circles (Nascar, Formula 1, ...) is pretty boring, as well as american football. I really tried to give the last one a chance, and so watched that superbowl match two times, that was aired in europe as well, but nothing ever happens.

So they discuss about 5 minutes, walk a bit around, until they finally start, play three seconds, then there is again a lot of talking and a dozend replays of the three seconds, and some guy goes measuring something with a line, and then they do again some talking, until they finally go to their positions, change that four times, until they finally play again 3 seconds...

I dont know, in your football film there is always so much action and the ball being thrown around between players, and others tackling... But in the two real matches I saw, I think actually a turtle would have reached that goal faster, then the football actually does in realtime, including all the interruptions. O_o The myth, that during superbowl pause, there would be a water problem, because of so many people going at once to the toilette, is for me not to understand, because actually, there seems to be every 3 seconds, a break, giving you plenty of time to visit the toilette easily a 100 times during the match.


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07 Dec 2013, 2:06 am

Soccer because of the high amount of flopping which I consider to be a b***h move and a disgrace in any sport. It's such a problem that it's spilling over into basketball now even. I hate it.

American Football. Extremely overrated and I am not keen on seeing maybe a few seconds of action before another stoppage happens. I also find stereotypical football fans extremely annoying and simple minded.

MMA. Not the sport itself, it's the fans that completely ruin it for me. I've noticed that the majority of MMA fans who sport Tap Out clothing and whatnot or follow that culture are complete douchebags.

Baseball. Too boring and too much steroids.

Nascar. Boring and rednecky. I have a hard time considering this a real sport.

Tufted Titmouse
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11 Dec 2013, 3:19 pm

TheTigress wrote:
MMA. Not the sport itself, it's the fans that completely ruin it for me. I've noticed that the majority of MMA fans who sport Tap Out clothing and whatnot or follow that culture are complete douchebags.

The fans who have beer bellies and talk tough are a joke, I once bet $100 on one of them that he couldn't do 30 burpees in a row. I made him put the money down first, which is good because he gave up, lol.

Didn't see him around much after that.


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15 Dec 2013, 6:19 pm

Asperger96 wrote:
Oh its so difficult to choose, they all are so horrible. This is so difficult to decide :?: Id have to say [American] Football.

I guess I must be a real freak with people because not only can I not play baseball, football or basketball but I cannot stand to listen to the sports! The whistle of football and the squeak of basketball are torture to me. When I played baseball as a kid they all yelled at me too and because I wasn't good at these sports I had no friends growing up. Why are people so angry about losing at baseball?


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16 Dec 2013, 9:01 am

BobinPgh wrote:
Asperger96 wrote:
Oh its so difficult to choose, they all are so horrible. This is so difficult to decide :?: Id have to say [American] Football.

I guess I must be a real freak with people because not only can I not play baseball, football or basketball but I cannot stand to listen to the sports! The whistle of football and the squeak of basketball are torture to me. When I played baseball as a kid they all yelled at me too and because I wasn't good at these sports I had no friends growing up. Why are people so angry about losing at baseball?
THAt's why I'm failing gym. The sound of multiple basketballs bouncing out of sync triggers a migraine


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16 Dec 2013, 1:59 pm

Asperger96 wrote:
BobinPgh wrote:
Asperger96 wrote:
Oh its so difficult to choose, they all are so horrible. This is so difficult to decide :?: Id have to say [American] Football.

I guess I must be a real freak with people because not only can I not play baseball, football or basketball but I cannot stand to listen to the sports! The whistle of football and the squeak of basketball are torture to me. When I played baseball as a kid they all yelled at me too and because I wasn't good at these sports I had no friends growing up. Why are people so angry about losing at baseball?
THAt's why I'm failing gym. The sound of multiple basketballs bouncing out of sync triggers a migraine

When I was in HS in the 1970s one of the gym teachers who felt that I could not handle the regular gym class had me placed in the "adaptive" gym for people who also had broken their leg or something like that. I wonder if that is possible in your school. It was kind of like the personal fitness unit we had (which I did fine with) but weaker. Have you maybe talked to your guidance counselor to see if this might be possible, at least temporarily.


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18 Dec 2013, 9:53 am

BobinPgh wrote:
I guess I must be a real freak with people because not only can I not play baseball, football or basketball but I cannot stand to listen to the sports! The whistle of football and the squeak of basketball are torture to me. When I played baseball as a kid they all yelled at me too and because I wasn't good at these sports I had no friends growing up. Why are people so angry about losing at baseball?

I hate the sounds of sports too - especially the roar of the crowd. It sounds really angry. I don't even like sitting in a park near people playing sport - the ball almost always ends up coming over to me and I have to display my own ineptitude trying to catch it or kick it back.

I guess my most hated sport is football (as in soccer). Lots of awful memories of having been made to play it at school. I also hate the fact that I'm supposed to love it and to talk about it obsessively.

Next up is rugby. Again, memories of being forced to play it at school for years and also the assumption that, being a big guy, I must love it or at least should play it because I have a "natural advantage".

Third is motor sports, which just makes a horrible noise.


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18 Dec 2013, 4:44 pm

American Football. Just a cheap rip-off of rugby.

Also, it's way over-rated and hardly anything goes on.

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18 Dec 2013, 4:45 pm

I don't really have a hated sport, but I find soccer to be overall, meh.


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