babybird wrote:
Does anyone know of a good treatment for this. It is an injury I got about 7 years ago whilst doing sport.
About twice a year it rears up and I am in complete agony and unable to function for about a week, or sometimes more.
I can feel it coming on today.
Any advice appreciated.
Wow man sounds bad! I'm a doctor and my brother is a physiotherapist (works with muscles, joints and bones).
When injured, do not apply heat. Apply cold (ice is okay, just not straight on skin) for 20 mins per hour for 48 hours, and rest the area as much as is comfortable and reasonable. Normally we apply "compression and elevation" (look up RICE for first aid) but that's not exactly possible for the lats.
After the first 48 hrs, you may benefit from heat.
Your injury is severe and chronic (chronic meaning it has occurred for a longer time than acute, a shorter time). You must go to a physiotherapist to sort you out. There probably are several factors contributing to the re-injury. You don't have to go when you are newly re-injured. DO EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAY like a religion. So many people go to the physio and don't heed the advice, so they don't get results.
Your local doctor will not have any idea how to treat this long-term. Take the anti-inflammatory drugs and acetaminophen (aka paracetamol) and other pain killers, apply the ice, and book into the physio. They will analyse everything in your lats, shoulder, neck, back etc and sort it out! Remember, most of the rehab is on YOU. Do all the things they tell you!