Living like a fattened king at No cost

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06 Feb 2014, 5:05 am

Ive been furiously researching ways to eat for free and am compiling a new blog on the subject to collate my findings:

Dumpster Diving

¬ Supermarkets discard food on a mass scale

¬Sealed packaged tins and crates can be sourced. Often these are tossed because of cosmetic imperfection. Botulism and tetanus are highly improbable if you exercise quality control.

¬If you're of a mercantile mindset consider raiding office bins for abundant computer hardware and equipment. Ive heard of people finding smartphones and entire functioning computer systems. You can sell these on at total profit to pay for your weekly grocery shopping

Wild Food

In the UK Dandelions Elderberry and Nettles are everywhere. Its entirely possible to find up to 12 different highly nutritious sources of nutrition growing wild and in abundance. Youll literally never need shop for veg or fruit again. . Buying a coffee grinder (mechanical) is necessary too as you can then powder things such as nettle and use as a salt alternative or tea flavouring.
Where you can make pastes and preserve these items. In the summer as a child my mother and I would venture out into the local woods armed with boxes and bags which we proceeded to fill to the brim with ripe juicy plums and elderberries. You can easily source an entire years supply of food this way. The trick is to preserve by dehydrating and freezing (cheap dehydrators can be picked up for up to £40 money which you'll make back in no time)

Vitamin A 136% Vitamin C 30%
Calcium 14% Iron 9%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 10%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 6%[/u]

Folates 5 µg 1%
Niacin 0.417 mg 3%
Pantothenic acid 0.135 mg 3%
Pyridoxine 0.029 mg 2%
Riboflavin 0.026 mg 2%
Thiamin 0.028 mg 2%
Vitamin A 345 IU 11.5%
Vitamin C 9.5 mg 16%
Vitamin E 0.26 mg 2%
Vitamin K 6.4 µg 5%


Protein 2.7 g 5%
Vitamin A 40% Calcium 48%
Iron 8% Vitamin B-6 5%
Magnesium 14%


Beta-carotene (Vitamin A pre-cursor)
B vitamins (B1/Thiamin, B2/Riboflavin, B3/Niacin)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Bio-flavonoids (including glycoside rutin)
GLA/Gamma-linoleic Acid (omega-6 essential fatty acid)
Minerals: calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, silicon, zinc.


Protein 1.2 g 2%
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 41%
Calcium 5% Iron 2%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 6%

Free stuff

The easiest method in the list is to search gumtree/craiglists/freecycle for free items. A brief search in my area turned up free Pianos Sofas Beds Soil Rubble Exercise Equipment. These do need to be collected but you can quite easily claim a free sofa and proceed to sell it for a profit.
A little machiavellian tactic would be to list a free item on ebay. Ensure that the owner of the item knows you want it within the week and list the item on Ebay. Proceed to sell it and then provide the address. This could quite easily go quite severely wrong however so DONT spend the money before you KNOW the item has been collected. Ive never tried this and to me it seems like an inexcusable violation of someone's good will but in a financial hard place it could be the quick fix you need

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Feb 2014, 8:05 am

That sounds interesting. Please post your blog address whenever you get it set up.

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07 Feb 2014, 1:15 am

You didn't mention food assistance programs for the poor & needy like food-stamps(SNAP), food-banks, soup-kitchens, & meals-on-wheels

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~King Of The Hill

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07 Feb 2014, 3:31 am

nick007 wrote:
You didn't mention food assistance programs for the poor & needy like food-stamps(SNAP), food-banks, soup-kitchens, & meals-on-wheels

Oh wow I live in the UK so there isnt really a large soup kitchen culture. I worked in a soup kitchen for a while that was run by a church and as far as I know it was one of maybe 2 in a huge town. I also have no experience with food stamps etc.

It would be awesome to compile a list of soup kitchens in England. I personally wouldn't use them unless my stomach started to turn on itself like Duncan's Wild Horses.

Medical trials are another great one. You can earn 4000 for a trial requiring a 3 week stay. Psychology trials are another lucrative earner. f you're affiliated with a university you need only go along to the department and make enquiries.

Oh flour is my best friend, I use sauce in all my savoury food as herbs and spices are said to actually diminish appetite. Sauce tends to be used up fairly quickly however. A bottle of Jalfrezi sauce or Rogan Josh is supposed to be used within 3-4 days (ive never paid any heed to this and ive never become ill as a result - I keep sauce for 2 weeks sometimes as long as there are no signs of mold). I will use a few tablespoons and add milk or almond milk (try ground almonds and water for a cheaper alternative) to increase volume. I can then thicken with flour and add vegetables which creates a delectable sauce/base to which meat potatoes etc can be added.

Dumplings are also incredibly filling. Flour Milk and Water with any added seasonings and sauce. Roll into a large thick mass and cut into sections. You can then bake this in the oven at 200 *C in oil - I add coconut oil before the baking (place a small amount of hardened oil in the flour) and then bake with rapeseed or preferably olive oil. The resultant product should resemble shortbread biscuits and the taste is to die for. Even better is to cut into even smaller sections following baking. You can then bake in thickened sauce rather than adding the sauce to the dough. This results in something quite special

Try to keep sauces for as long as you can - tomato sauce seems to mold very quickly but ive never had tandoori sauce etc go bad and ive kept bottles for 3-4 weeks. There's nothing in these sauces that should go bad at all as long as theyre refrigerated.

I also add water to porridge. This more than doubles the volume of porridge. I then add vanilla and caraway bananas nuts and coconut oil. No sugar is required after all that.

_________________ My Repository Of the Arcane the Esoteric and the Sublime Neuroprotection, Neurogenesis Strategies for Long Term Cognitive Enhancement