Has anyone ever dealt with retina detachment?

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Snowy Owl
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13 Feb 2014, 9:57 pm

I am getting worried again, (we were scheduled to go to the ophthalmologist, but we had a snowstorm so that got canceled.) My problem is yesterday when the power was out I was messing around with my brother, he got mad and tossed his jacket all bundled up really hard at me. Well normally this would not be a cause for alarm as I didn't get a concussion, and my head appeared to be fine so I went to bed, well today I tried going back to sleep, but something odd happened. I started getting flashes in my right eye. Now I know retina detachment is usually found in older individuals and does not have anything to do with blows to the head, but I heard that it could cause it indirectly, and me being a myopic I have an increased chance of getting it. So, can anyone help me out? I read that I only have about 74 hours to go to the hospital, yet my parents think I am insane and worrying over nothing. :cry:

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20 Feb 2014, 11:24 pm

I hope you did get checked out. A blow to the eyeball can do it. Delayed too, after the eyeball resumes shape. You need to spring into action, the sooner the better. Unless you like surgery and having to put drops in your eye 2x per day for the rest of your life. Just ask my pops.


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24 Feb 2014, 11:43 pm

My grandpa got his retina detached in some kind of accident like farming or construction related when he was in his 20s. They put it back but he was blind out of it till he got cataract surgery in his other eye 5/10 years ago; the doc was able to reconnect his retina & now he can see some out of it.

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25 Feb 2014, 12:13 am

Get it looked at. I was a victim of some nasty head-trauma in my youth (some delightful fellows used my head as a football, apparently, though I don't remember it).

I was taken straight to hospital and they wanted to keep me in for observation because of the concussion. Apparently I cracked jokes and complained about the dancing white flashes in my eye, and then later discharged myself. I don't remember any of that either.

What I do remember is being on a waiting list for a couple of weeks afterwards for Argon laser surgery. The white flashes persisted throughout this time, and stopped shortly after the surgery.


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25 Feb 2014, 11:06 am

I have thinning retinas so the possiblity of retinal detachment is very real to me. My opthamologist had lasered the area and so far so good. That was at around 22. I am now a glaucoma suspect (15 years later). Which means that they notice some strange things with my optic nerve. Too young for medication I have to get checked every 6 months. If you are seeing flashes go to the opthamologist ASAP. That is drummed into my head like a mantra. If you see floaters, flashes, etc. you may be in the process of a detachment. If they can treat you, maybe laser the area then they can fix it.

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25 Feb 2014, 11:27 am

GreenTechnoFox wrote:
I read that I only have about 74 hours to go to the hospital...

I do not know about that, but I do know my optometrist wasted no time in getting me to someone who could do laser surgery after I had experienced what she said was a detachment. At the very least, you should have an optometrist or ophthalmologist do a dilation and take a close look inside right away.

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