I'm not a big fan of nuts. I like light, smooth peanut butter with margarine, jam or honey on toast, but not on its own. I generally don't care for desserts or chocolate bars full of nuts, but I looove peanut butter cups! When I was a kid I didn't like brownies if they had chopped nuts in them, it was like you bite into the soft, fudgy brownie and then get the hard little bits of nuts, that would gross me out. I always prefer chocolate covered raisins over peanuts. I like almonds and cashews a lot better than peanuts but they're expensive, and walnuts and pecans are kind of bitter-tasting. I seem to be more sensitive to bitter stuff than most other adults.
I guess I'm more into the sweet, fruity, chewy stuff: raisins and dried fruits. Although I hated raisins baked into cakes and desserts even more than nuts as a kid because of the way they'd get all squishy. Except for butter tarts, they were always good.
Yes some people are dangerously allergic to peanuts. I feel really bad for them because a microscopic speck of peanut can kill them. I never used to hear about peanut allergies as a kid, now they have warning labels on everything, including peanuts and peanut butter! What the hey?!