it really depends on the level of excema, woud recommend a cream called sudocrem, its an over the counter cream commonly used for nappy rash but its extremely good for mild-to moderate excema, E45 cream is also good but personaly find sudocrem better,it doesnt go as far as E45 though as its waxier feeling whereas E45 is more watery based and takes a lot more rubbing in,am given huge tubs of E45 on prescription so it can be gotten free if have got excema,at least in the UK anyway.
for anything worse than mild to moderate,itll need a steroid, mine is one called betnovate and its very good but its a hardcore steroid and causes things like acne if acidentaly use to much.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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