So here's the deal. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't figure out why. Wandered around for a few minutes. Tried to go back to bed. Then my heart started hurting every time it beat and my face and upper body got really really hot. My ears started ringing, and I got upset and went to see my roommate in case someone needed to call an ambulance. Got a drink of water and a few minutes later all the symptoms died down. As I'm writing, the only remaining symptom is that my ears are still ringing a tiny bit, but much less than earlier. A similar thing happened once about a year ago when I was visiting my parents. Symptoms followed almost the exact same trajectory (replace heart hurting with heart racing). My sister has told me she suffers from panic attacks. I'm wondering if that's what I'm dealing with, and the only reason I'm hesitant to chalk it up to that is that I generally don't feel any emotional symptoms other than those directly attributable to the physical symptoms. But I'm only in my mid-20s, so I'm a bit young to be having a heart attack. Does it sound like I'm closing in on a reasonable explanation?