LupaLuna wrote:
pawelk1986 wrote:
Normally, I would suggest putting this type of questions in the "adult autism issues " but as you have 15, so that could be the problem

I'd have to agree with you. I wonder why none of the moderators haven't done this already?
But I'm not for deleting this messages, just the subject matter is quite awkward. Many boys as men are concerned for their dearest treasure
I also had these questions in this age, the boys ask about ejaculations and girls about menstruation, it is perfectly normal. But such of these questions better to go to the school doctor or primary care physician, preferably a pediatrician. I'm sure that the presence of the parents will not be necessary, in the end he have 15 years, or for three years he will be an adult, and in two years he will be able to use the "Adult autism section"