I've been struggling with migraines for a few years now, but in the last year and a bit, they have been chronic. As in, a constant migraine all the time. The biggest help has been in the prophylaxis department: the beta blocker bisoprolol along with thirty-nine injections of botulinum toxin into my face every ten weeks. However, as my occupational stress increased, so too did the severity of the migraines and associated symptoms, such as hemiplegia, which is pretty much all the symptoms of a stroke but thankfully with no brain damage. So I've been on the hunt for another prophylaxis. Memantine had little to no effect. Topiramate turned me into a veritable automaton. Valproate seems to be working, although I'm experiencing dizziness and tremors (totally worth it). For the breakthrough pain, I bring out a the rapid-release acetaminophen (I can't take any NSAIDs due to the gastritis they inflict upon me) and metoclopramide, with extended-release tramadol for the really bad ones.
Now I just need to get out of my current job, which is the source of almost all the stress in my life. I'm on medical leave right now. The proverbial straw on the camel's back was when I was mandated by my senior manager not to disclose my autism, OCD, or migraines to co-workers.
Autism Spectrum Quotient: 40 / 50
Aspie Quiz Neurodiverse: 148 / 200
Aspie Quiz Neurotypical: 55 / 200