Ever tried working on your abs? While it's true that you can't spot burn fat, you can spot tighten muscles. Try crunches. Every night no matter how tired or sore you are. You don't want to do abs every other day like you do other muscle groups, they are an every day thing. You have to do high reps, so be prepared for that as well, but also remember that abs show results fairly quickly. You'll start seeing results within a month. Try something like 3 sets of 50 and then keep adding. When you are up to sets of 200, start holding a weight plate across your chest to increase resistance. You can also hold your feet up as well. Also, don't go all the way up or down. They aren't situps and you want a small movement, not a large one. Your abdomen will start looking bigger at first but that's because the upper belly muscles will start tightening up first. You may have about a month of that before it starts looking more in proportion.
One other suggestion is a panty girdle. They work and there is nothing wrong with wearing it when needed. I have a fairly flat belly and look good in clothes but I have a couple of very clingy dresses that I have to wear a panty girdle with. It's not a big bulge at all, but it's there and I know it's there so I put the girdle on to hold it in when I wear one of the dresses. Mine is a small lower abdominal bulge. I also unfortunately have a flat butt too so I wear this fake butt I got at the Chinese store on top of the panty girdle when I wear those dresses. That way I have the shape I want.
Another thing is, do you hold your stomach in? Holding your stomach in tightens the muscles. Most people forget about doing that after they get out of their teens, but it's important to do. Sucking in your gut works to make your tummy look flatter and it's quick and free. You just have to keep it up all day. Over time it's habit.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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