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02 Nov 2015, 11:39 pm

Long story short - I had been sick for a long time. Often unable to move more than a few feet kind of sick. I was also on several medications that explicitly listed weight gain in the side effects. I used to be very lean before this, but due to medications and forced inactivity, I find myself in the unheard of position of too much body weight + no musculature. Now, aside from a few surgeries and other hurdles in the way, I'm approaching a state where I am healthy enough to exercise again. Trouble is, it's a slog - it's unpleasant. Sweaty, nauseating, slow to see results. And as such, I end up giving up and can't sustain it.
Has anyone found any exercises that lose weight or build muscle that are enjoyable, so it doesn't feel so unpleasant and is easier to keep going? I'm keen to shape up, but less keen to torture myself to do so.

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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03 Nov 2015, 9:47 am

Mhh, what exactly do you mean by "exercise not enjoyable"?
Any examples?


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03 Nov 2015, 5:54 pm

Enjoyable exercise is subjective. Personally, I like running and weightlifting. Are you still on the medication? You'll probably lose weight if you've stopped.


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03 Nov 2015, 7:34 pm

You mean like demolishing stuff with an ax?


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04 Nov 2015, 12:34 am


Mhh, what exactly do you mean by "exercise not enjoyable"?
Any examples?

Well, I did try running, but as my endurance is way down, I couldn't do much of it before feeling nauseous and getting a metallic-like taste in my mouth and having to stop. Direct exercise is unpleasant - sweaty, nauseating, painful, and at the moment, embarrassing.
Are you still on the medication? You'll probably lose weight of you've stopped.

I have stopped, but I was told that simply returning to normal activity won't help - you have to increase activity until you return to the weight you were before illness, and then normal activity should maintain that. I have tried running and weightlifting but unfortunately haven't hit enjoying it yet.
You mean like demolishing stuff with an ax?

I can't say it was the first thing that came to mind. More traditional exercise was more what I was shooting for.
Someone told me that to maintain exercise, you need to do something "fun" instead of making exercise feel like work. Instead of running, they suggested dancing. But I don't know if that'd be the right fit for me, so I'm trawling for ideas. :)

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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13 Nov 2015, 6:03 pm

Couch-to-5k website

If you're just beginning at running, you should really follow a program. I'm doing Couch-2-5k. Its designed to prevent burnout, it's really easy to follow, and I highly recommend it.

Some tips; make sure you have decent shoes that fit your foot type and take it slowly. You want to be able to talk while running. Don't be ashamed doing the granny shuffle! Seriously, no one cares if you're doing it and the people who will make fun of you are the same people who would make fun of a champion runner.

You will improve faster than you think. For me, it only took a week for the 'huffing and puffing' to stop and the second week I was starting to really feel the exercising.