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13 Nov 2015, 8:33 am

lose weight get healthier ANYTHING?! For ages I've been the sit around play video game type and I'm nearing 30! Now for the past month or so I've walked around my neighborhood to the school and back side roads etc. and have upped my walk to 2 miles a day. Plan to upgrade half a mile weekly. I DO have bad knees and back pain so don't want to push things to far and injure myself. But looking on HOW I FEEL! I FEEL GREAT! Do you want to play Zelda GTA press buttons to make the character move around a field/town! OR! POSSIBLY do it yourself get out there "become" those characters so to speak vs. being in a virtual world 24/7. Not that I'm giving up gaming NO WAY!

But I can tell I'm losing weight + changing my food from Hot Pockets to Chicken noodle soup for lunch and an egg biscuit for breakfast vs. surgery cereal only helps.

I ask this since IMO I'm sick of the fat "Love" I don't agree with personal "fat shaming" saying things to people calling them OMG! fat OMG! lose weight! and I know that's socially inappropriate AND some people have MAJOR medical issues that lead to obesity but I question have some of these scooter fat people tried to lose weight? Change there diet? etc.???

I wonder research wise if we truly know WHO TRULY has some HUGE medical condition and who just hasn't made the proper changes. Make them early and now so you aren't 300+ lbs. at 40 or 50 (in my age case). This week it's 2 miles then the skies the limit. Adding to my neighborhood seeing things around me etc.

This love your curves and everything about you fat and all is the wrong message IMO. try to better yourself physically. I feel these Fat "love" ads and media promotions are sending the wrong message. Don't try just love yourself fat and all.

What are your thoughts?


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13 Nov 2015, 12:32 pm

Good for you for exercising. I am just getting starting in trying to lose weight. Since you like video games you may want to check out fitness video games, I find them helpful.


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13 Nov 2015, 8:13 pm

For me, I started losing weight when I stopped eating out of boredom. I also stopped drinking soda around that same time. I do not even want to know how many daily calories I used to consume between those two bad habits I dropped. Now, I am keeping myself around 2,000 calories a day, but I am 6'4" and I walk damn near everywhere. Heh.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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14 Nov 2015, 3:14 pm

I'm ramping up to lose weight atm. I moved countries four years ago and lived with people and was jobless for awhile. It was eat what they ate. I gained a ton of weight and have felt god awful the last four years. Lightheaded, spaced-out, falling asleep/tired all the time etc. Life basically stopped for me. Everything was 8 billion times harder than it should have been. Getting dressed was a hassle. After several blood tests (16+) I stumbled upon something and believe I'm hypoglycemic or something in that family. (Not diabetic, test negative) So I'm now eating like a hypo would and I feel almost human again. Now that simple things aren't a total drain I'm starting to work into my new hypo diet something with less calories. (I eat frequently throughout the day now) Exercise comes next. I have back and spine issues and my muscles have atrophied from no exercise from feeling bad all these years so I am going to have to slowly build muscle, hence my ramping up.

I don't think we should fat shame but I don't know what is to be done about overweight people. The thing is people feel awkward telling people they are of an unhealthy weight. Just say how fat you are and wait on your friends to have an awkward pause then exclaim how you aren't. Ugh! Maybe they think fatty is looking for reassurance I don't know. You should be happy in your own skin but realise that being 100lbs over weight or whatnot is going to end up giving you a heart attack one day! I have 35lbs now to lose and boy does it suck!


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20 Nov 2015, 9:42 pm

I quit exercising as much & been pigging out more for awhile which caused me to gain weight. I'm ready to be more diligent about my health again. I had lost abit of weight when I was exercising & pigging out less so I know I can do it again if & can maintain control with how much I eat & push myself to exercise again like I was doing.

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21 Nov 2015, 12:03 am

I'm in college which consumes a ridiculous amount of my time. I try to put in gym time after class a few times a week and drink more water.

Also, watching out for Cheap Energy food with Carbs and foods that have a surprising amount of Sodium.

It's frustrating because I think Protein is important, but so many meat products have a lot of salt.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Nov 2015, 12:30 am

If only losing weight was that simple :roll:


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24 Nov 2015, 2:46 am

I also want to to some exercise for fitness, but only find hard to keep it.

To live out my fantasy


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24 Nov 2015, 9:57 am

I do some cardio twice a week, and i try to grab water and some gum instead of snacks when i'm hungry (except for the 3 main meals, obviously).

The cardio is mainly to restore (well, create) some stamina, and the weight loss is a bonus, but i was near the upper limit of healthy weight (220 lbs at 6'6), so it's a welcome bonus.

As for the calories? no idea, but i recon 2500 is a low guess; at least a 6'6 body consumes a lot of energy, so i can burn that off quite easily as well


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24 Nov 2015, 5:06 pm

Buy a food scale and start measuring your food. All of your food. Also, join myfitnesspal to keep track of your caloric intake. They have preset templates on the site to help you out.